Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Honeymoon Friends {part seis}

Over the weekend, Jason and I were reunited with our Honeymoon Friends at their house in Ankeny, Iowa. Per usual it was a fun-filled weekend complete with plenty of adult cocktails and nonstop laughs. Jason and I headed south early Friday afternoon and were anxious to get the 3.5 hour drive over with so we could see our pals. 

We rolled in to town and immediately picked up where we left off. It's so awesome to have such great friends that time isn't an issue - we hadn't seen Bill & Jackie for a year but it was just as if no time had passed. 

Bill grilled us some delicious kabobs, we settled in, had a drink or two and then hit the road for a bike ride! I haven't been on a bike since our trip to Chicago two years ago, so I must admit I was a tad nervous. But it's true, you hop on it just comes right back to you. Our ride started at the Flat Tire Lounge, a really cool old feed barn that was converted in to a bar.
 I loved the bar so much, I just had to have a tank top from there and Jackie followed my lead. #bikeflat
 After a couple of drinks at Flat Tire we made our way to the High Trestle Bridge where the view was incredible!
 After taking in the view on the bridge we were off to the Whistlin' Donkey for a couple more drinks and some snacks {aka the world's cheesiest Grilled Cheese} and then we headed back and ended our night back at Flat Tire. In all I think we biked around 12 miles. It was a great workout, so much fun and now Jason and I are bike shopping like crazy because we must have bikes. 

On Saturday we woke to perfectly sunny and blue skies - which officially broke the curse of me always bringing crappy weather to Iowa. It was the most perfect day to spend on the boat and so that is what we did! We ate, drank, swam, danced, laughed and had a blast! There isn't much I love more than a day on the boat and to spend it with good friends is icing on the cake. 

After a solid 6 hours on the boat and a sunburn to prove it...
 ...we got showered and ready and went to Wig and Pen for some DELICIOUS pizza. 
After dinner, we made our way to Firetrucker, a really cool old fire station converted to a brewery. I wish I would have taken more photos because the decor and atmosphere was so cool. 

After a couple of Firetrucker original beers, we were back at Bill & Jackie's where we stayed up until the wee hours chatting on the deck while using our newfound favorite app "Star Chart". It's seriously SO COOL! You hold it up to the sky and it tells you what stars and constellations you are looking at! Seriously - hours of entertainment! 

It was another successful reunion and we are already planning and counting down the days until our next! I love so much that we've managed to maintain this friendship because it certainly would have been easy to leave Mexico saying "let's get together" and then never following through. Just think of all the fun we would have missed out on if we didn't make the effort. 

Next up.... Part Siete! 


  1. That app sounds incredible!!! I'm probably going to download that tonight. The bridge you all biked on looks so neat! Looks like such a fun time!!!! Girl, you got some SUN! ;)

  2. I think it's so cool that you guys are still getting together with your honeymoon friends!!! What a fun trip!

  3. That picture of you on the bike might be my new favorite!!! :) You are so cute! So awesome that you guys made legit friends on your honeymoon- I love it.

  4. Amazing!! SO much fun. And I LOVE that bridge.

  5. I never thought I'd say this but you actually make me want to go to Iowa.

  6. Fun!! Love how we live in Ankeny and haven't been to the places you went, we will have to check them out!

  7. How you managed to get such a cute picture riding a bike is beyond me.
    What a fun weekend with your honeymoon buds. Love all of the pictures.
    xo m

  8. I think it is beyond awesome that you guys became friends with another couple on your honeymoon and make an effort to spend time together! We have a few couple friends, but haven't yet discovered a couple that we would want to spend this much time with. Hopefully someday!

  9. now youre a bike family, it all makes sense! what a fun wknd in IA!

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