Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Happiness Project

Last month my book club read The Happiness Project which has me feeling all kinds of inspired. 
The Happiness Project is about an author who realizes that despite having a wonderful life she could be happier in her day-to-day life which leads her to go on a quest that she calls her Happiness Project. She sets different goals and resolutions for each month of one year and has to maintain the previous months resolutions as she adds more each month. It was a super fun read and, as I said, was very inspiring. {read the full synopsis HERE}

Reading this book got me thinking what I could do to make myself happier. Don't get me wrong, I love my life! In fact, this is probably the happiest I've ever been! Well, except for maybe when I was a kid and my greatest stress was which house we should go to for night games. However, despite having a great life, I still find myself feeling stressed out, self conscious, impatient and really I guess...less than happy from time to time.  

So I decided to jot down some of the areas in my life I think I could work on that would help me convert those negative feelings that creep in into more happiness and joy. What I came up with was
time management, patience, stress, health, finances & quality time with my little family. 

It just so happened to work out that there were six things that came to mind and six months left in 2015. So, much like in the book, I've decided to try and focus on one of these each month and build on what I've accomplished month by month. Within each of these categories I jotted down some resolutions that would help me improve in each of these areas.  When I made these lists I found that there was a lot of overlap, which has me excited in knowing if I work on this little-by-little it could really yield big results! 

So here are the things I want to work on each month and how I'm breaking down my happiness project, then each month I will create and share specific goals that will work as baby steps to achieve my resolutions and hopefully improve me in these areas. 

JULY: Health
  • Create a workout routine and stick to it
  • Meal Plan
  • Quit Pop
  • Cut back on the booze
  • Drink more water
  • Limit Starbucks
  • Limit Meals Out
  • Eat at home

AUGUST: Time Management 
  • Wake up early
  • Stick to a schedule
  • Just say "No!"
  • Accomplish a little at a time
  • Get a good night sleep

  • Declutter / Clean
  • Time Management
  • Speak Up
  • Just say "No!"
  • Plan Ahead
  • Yoga
  • Get a good night sleep
  • Me Time

OCTOBER: Finances
  • Dave Ramsey
  • Daily Budget Update
  • No Spend Month
  • Limit Starbucks
  • Eat at home
  • Work more 

NOVEMBER: Patience
  • Time Management 
  • Prioritize
  • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
  • Learn
  • Be Creative 

DECEMBER: Quality Time with my Little Family
  • Time Management
  • Limit Social Media / Phone
  • Make Dates
  • Create a Routine
  • Family Dinner at the Table 
  • Create Traditions

I'm really excited! I think everyone is always on a quest for self improvement and that quest is neverending, but I am looking forward to making some small changes that will enhance my life and the life of my family in a big way. You know what they say "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." But truly, I am so so so happy - I just want to be a better Kristin! 

Check back tomorrow for my July goals!


  1. Okay, I just said I shouldn't add any more books to my reading list, but this one HAS to go on there. It sounds right up my alley :) I really like your monthly break down and how you're going to focus on one aspect of life at a time! Let's rock July together! :)

  2. I read that book a few weeks ago and feel the same! I'm excited to follow your happiness project, so I hope you post updates. :)

  3. This book is amazing! I started it a couple years ago and have her "daily sentence" journal. It's amazing! Looking back over the years and what my ONE sentence a day was is so amazing!!! I love your goals for the upcoming months and what you want to work on/accomplish. Seriously, stressing less would be a huge one for me!!!

  4. She does a great podcast, too! It's called Happier and you can download for free. I listen to it while I'm doing dishes or laundry. She gives great little tips for happiness!

  5. I love that book, and this idea. Have fun - looks like you've got some great goals laid out!

  6. I love that book, and this idea. Have fun - looks like you've got some great goals laid out!

  7. What a great idea! Sounds like an interesting book that I should read. I am totally going to add it to my list of books. I would love to also do something like this!!!

  8. i think all can be attained by you, you are superwoman!


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