Friday, June 19, 2015

Lots To Look Forward To!

Summer is my favorite season far and away! I mean...boating? the pool? weekend getaways? fireworks? There's nothing better than sunshine and summer! As a mega type-a planner I am always looking ahead at the fun to come, which, I know is not always a good thing and I'm trying to be better at focusing on the present BUT with so much to look forward to this summer it's hard not to daydream about the days ahead and get excited about what's to come! I thought I'd put a little spin on my favorite Friday link-ups and give you a look at just five of the fun things I've got on the horizon...

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(1)THIS WEEKEND, we are going to the Luke Bryan concert at TCF Bank Stadium {where my Gophs play}! It'll be a day full of friends, drinks, country music and {hopefully} sunshine despite the current icky forecast! C'mon mother nature, work with me here! Can't stinkin' wait either way!

(2)ONE WEEK, we'll be headed to Iowa for a reunion with our Honeymoon Friends. Every time we are together is more fun than the time before it, so I have high hopes for this trip!

(3)SIX WEEKS, I am hosting Carolyn's Sprinkle! You know I LOVE throwing parties and I am extra excited about this one! Baby Showers are definitely my favorite kind of party to plan! Above is a lil sneaky peak from the invitations Erin designed that will be going out very soon!

(4)EIGHT WEEKS, I will be in LAS VEGAS, seeing BRITNEY {again!} for my best friend's BACHELORETTE PARTY! I have an inkling this will be the highlight of the summer. I am so pumped about all we have planned and really just cannot wait for this trip to get here.

(5)ELEVEN WEEKS, is the Gopher home opener! This game is always the signal that summer is coming to an end and fall is beginning. While it's sad to say goodbye to summer this is always the most perfect finale, especially if we win! 


  1. I've decided I'm just going to JOIN YOU for all these fun things ;) Luke Bryan, a sprinkle, Vegas... I mean cmon! Tell me when and where and I'll just come- kthanks ;)

  2. I always say summer brings the best things to look forward to! Enjoy Luke Bryan, he is the best!

  3. Me too, Erin. I want to join in too. Especially VEGAS!

  4. i cant wait to be in attendance to one of your planned parties!!
    VEGAS for brit again, still- i am SO jealous. if anyone cant go, please please please pick me to be one of the gang ;) LOL


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