Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My Obsessions

I tend to say "I'm obsessed" on the regular. I guess it has become my way of saying I really, really like something and I definitely overuse the phrase. Though, when I really think about it, I kind of am truly obsessed with a lot of things. 

According to good 'ol dictionary.com the definition of obsessed or obsession is "the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc." And when I think about the things I enjoy that meet that description - a lot of things come to mind. I decided instead of listing out the things I believe myself to be obsessed with, I would turn to the people who know me best. I sent a text out to my closest family & friends the people who truly know me better than I know myself {parents, in-laws, siblings, best girlfriends, best guy friends and of course my hubby} to see what they'd come up with - only stipulation is that my family & friends don't count because OBVIOUSLY the people in my life are my biggest obsession. 

In all I polled 14 people and asked them to send me 3-5 things. Getting their responses was so stinkin' fun {and funny!} When I broke down the numbers here's what I found out about myself and my obsessions. 

9 out of 14 said "The TV Show F-R-I-E-N-D-S" - true statement. I watch 2-3 episodes EVERY night in bed and am unbeatable in Friends Trivia, though my pals still try to take me down. I'm super guilty of quoting the show and often say "this reminds me of the episode of Friends where...". What can I say? It's the greatest show of all time.

8 out of 14 said "Gopher Football"- Rah! I love my college, love my team and bleed maroon & gold!

7 out of 14 said "Wine/Chardonnay/Decoy" - it's true, I love my wine and chardonnay is far and away my favorite and Decor is definitely my first choice when it comes to brand! Should I be concerned that HALF of my peeps had this on their list?

6 out of 14 said Britney Spears, Starbucks/Coffee, & Party Planning/Balloons - I was surprised to see Brit Brit come up so often, but it's true I love her! I literally would not survive without coffee and a beverage from Starbucks is a far too regular occurrence and we all know I LOVE to plan parties! 

4 out of 14 said The Backstreet Boys - There's no doubt that I LOVE the Backstreet Boys and was a little surprised they didn't pop up on more of the lists.

3 out of 14 said New York City - without a doubt my most favorite place to visit and favorite city in the world! I am absolutely obsessed with that amazing city!

2 out of 14 said Tanning/The Pool, Birth Stories/Pregnancy/Mucus Plugs, Chips/Nachos, Beyonce, Jimmy Choos, Health/Wellness and Making Lists - Um, yes to all of the above! I just don't recommend eating nachos while discussing mucus plugs!

And then a few other things that were thrown out were feta cheese, Arizona basketball, Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sam Hunt, Tom Hanks, Small Xmas Ornaments {inside joke with my dad}, taking pictures, essential oils, art and being awesome {thanks my brother for that one}!

There you have it, now you know more about the things I love most outside of my family and friends! And thanks to my family and friends for indulging me on this one! It was so fun.


  1. Haha- such a fun post!!! I'm glad I was SPOT ON with many of these!! :) Sorry I forgot to mention 'being awesome' ... I just assumed that was a given! This is a great post idea- I may be polling some people soon!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches 2-3 episodes of Friends a night. There's just something about that show! I love it!!!

  3. OMG! Mucus plugs! Totally should have been on my list! BAHAHAHA!

  4. I am exactly the same about Friends! Nearly everything in my life reminds me of something that happens in an episode. :)

  5. Do you really watch 2-3 episodes of Friends every night?!

  6. I love this post! Goes to show you your family and friends know you really well. I however didn't think of the obvious #1 :) xo m

  7. Ahh! I also watch Friends every single night and have for years! You have excellent taste, as do your people polled. :)

  8. this is a cute post! you and that show F-R-I-E-N-D-S (i can TOTALLY hear you saying) "this reminds me of that FRIENDS episode when...." LOL!!

  9. I love FRIENDS, too!! I have all the episodes, but I don't watch it on the daily. Perhaps you have inspired me to a new level of obsession! :) I did check out the Central Perk pop up when it was in NYC last fall - http://alhadventures.blogspot.com/2014/10/throwback-thursday-central-perk-style.html It was amazing!! Also, love this post idea. So fun!!

  10. Through another blogger who "borrowed" this post idea, I found you. I enjoyed it so much, I will "borrow" it too and blog stalk you (read all about you and check out some posts).

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