Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mama P's Greek Rice

It's a running joke in my big fat Greek family that Greek cooking dirties every pan in the kitchen, and for the most part that is true. However, there are a couple of Greek staples in our meal rotation that are quick, easy, delicious yet still Greek. One of my all time favorites is Greek Rice - I'm sure there's some 15 character Greek word for it but around these parts it's Greek Rice {clever, huh?} My mom used to make this for us all the time as kids and then I think we all forgot about it for years and when she revived the recipe when Kenley and I were in Arizona I got re-hooked and have probably made it 15 times since. It's a great side dish that goes perfect with chicken, burgers, hot dogs, or just by itself with a giant spoon! I usually serve it on the side of Greek meatballs {keftedes} and a Greek Salad because if you're going to be Greek, really be Greek. 

What you'll need: 
  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1 cup brown rice {I also love to use Simply Balanced multigrain blend with brown rice, quinoa, wild rice, etc for some extra nutrients}
  • 1 can tomato sauce
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1 cup crumbled feta cheese 
  • Parsley, to taste
  • Pinch of Cinnamon {the secret ingredient}
  • S&P, to taste
What you do:
  • Melt the butter & saute the shallot
  • Add rice, tomato sauce and chicken stock to shallot mixture and bring to a boil.

  • Once boiling, cover until liquid is absorbed and rice is soft {appx. 45 minutes depending on the rice you use}
  • Stir in feta, parsley, cinnamon and S&P and serve!

Kenley tested and Kenley approved {despite the look}.


  1. Bring on the feta - this sounds like the perfect side for any dish! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Italians are the same way! I cringe every time my husband cooks because it literally takes a good 30-45 minutes to clean up. It's worth it though!
    And does K really eat all that stuff? Has she always been open to carrots and such? Our little won't even think about touching that stuff.

  3. Good job my dear. Your dinner looks delicious! I love that mou girl eats everything and that you are carrying on the Greek favorites in your home. xo m

  4. Okay YUM! :) I am going to have to expand my cooking a little and give this a try soon!

  5. I'm all about the Greek food right now, please share some more recipes!!

    Ps how many ounces in the can of tomato sauce?


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