Thursday, August 6, 2015

Things I Just Don't Get

It's 10:32pm on Wednesday night and as I sit here trying desperately to come up with some kind of blog content, my husband is feverishly playing his new "The Show" baseball game on his new PlayStation 4 {thanks Jason's job} and I just don't get it. While I have some favorite video games from the past {Pokemon Snap anyone?} I just don't understand the appeal of playing a video game for hours on end, especially one that emulates a sport that is notoriously boring {don't hate - I love going to baseball games but you can't tell me that baseball is a super exciting sport}. This new game, however, has just now generated a blog post idea because there are other things that I JUST DON'T GET, like...

...Why guys think Scarlett Johansson is so stinkin' hot. It's not a jealousy thing, there are plenty of women I think are smokin hot and even if I don't I can generally see the appeal, however, for some reason I just can't get on board with ScarJo. 

Image result for brutus buckeye
...The Buckeyes. OK, I'm going to be in some seriously hot water with this one but what the eff is a Buckeye? It's a NUT. That's what. My sister will be a Buckeye in just a few short weeks, one of my best friends is a Buckeye fan for a reason I still don't understand and I also have dear friends from Ohio, not to mention all my Ohio State loving blog friends. But, really, when my mascot is a damn Gopher and he can EAT your mascot, it's just embarrassing. And yes, I know full well the Buckeyes are currently better than the Gophers {in football} but seriously....A NUT

...The weird mom jeans turned shorts people are wearing. I get is a trend. But it's got to be one of the most unflattering ones in fashion history. Sorry if you own these, like these, or wear these. More power to you! Really. I just don't get it. 

...The Big Bang Theory. I know, kill me now. I just don't think it's funny. Maybe my opinion is clouded by my obsession with the best/funniest show of all time {FRIENDS, obviously} but I just don't get this show. 

...Tomatoes. GROSS with a capital G. Yes, I like ketchup and tomato soup and spaghetti and pizza and salsa but biting in to a raw tomato makes me gag just thinking about it. Tomatoes may actually be my most hated food {nope, that was a lie, green peppers are}. The funny thing is, Jason shares my disdain against tomatoes and somehow Kenley LOVES them. I buy them for her and we have to turn our heads when she eats them! It doesn't help that she bites in to them and then declares "MOM! I'm going to suck the beads out!"

Alright, now that I've pissed everyone off...I hope you all have a great Thursday!
What are the things you just don't get?


  1. Hahahaha! This post had me giggling, especially the Buckeye one - a nut! Lol! Don't really get the ScarJo thing either. She has a husky voice and big lips, so maybe that's the sex appeal? Who knows what goes through the minds of men!?! And bless Kenley with her love of tomatoes. She's a better woman than me:)

  2. Totally didn't realize that a buckeye was a nut! & I don't see it in ScarJo either.

  3. You don't like tomatoes?!! Oh my gosh. I could slice those up, throw a little salt on them and eat them as is! SO good. Your comments like "A NUT" made me lol a bit, but I do love my Bucks!!!

  4. BAHAHAHAHA! I was with you up until Big Bang Theory, and then it all fell apart. However... "my mascot can EAT your mascot" may be one of my favorite things you've said. :)

  5. Hahaha This post turned my whole morning around and had me laughing! I will never and I mean never understand the Buckeye thing!

  6. I think the thing with ScarJo is that she's shapely. Reminds me of Marilyn Monroe? Maybe? Idk. I don't get it either. But I also don't get the obsession with Anne Hathaway. Yuck.

    BBT is hilarious. I don't understand you and the ppl that don't like it at all. Weirdos! ;)

    Mom jeans? No thank you. Why????????? Just why?

  7. I cheer for OSU but I would love to know why we have a nut as our mascot as well haha! Buckeyes should be made of chocolate and peanut butter and eaten (Not by Gophers though!) ;) And girlfriend- tomatoes are my jam. I'm sad... add that to our 'non-tat' list!!!

  8. hahaha ScarJo... i think she has that "sultry" thing going on, the way she talks and all of her roles that she plays in the movies... but yeah im with you, i have always wondered as well! HAHA

    im just happy you didn't rip on halloween the state fair or farmers ;)

  9. This was GREAT blog content hahah. ScarJo has big boobs... I'm totally guessing thats why people love her lol. Video games, yeah no. I'd throw that crap out if my husband spent hours on it. Big bang.. not funny.. okay maybe just a little but Friends wins HANDS DOWN. and How I met your mother.. FAV!

  10. I am with you, I hate raw tomatoes they make me gag just thinking about them. Especially when people eat them like an apple! I like anything else with tomato in it like ketchup, pizza but raw tomato no thank you!

  11. I am with you on all of these things except Big Bang Theory. That is one of my favorite shows! But the thought of biting in to a raw tomato makes my stomach churn, Buckeyes are dumb, ScarJo isn't hot and those mom shorts are just awful! A are the high wasted pants that look like the mom pants. Or Steve Urkle. You can really only be one shape to pull them off.

  12. YES! YES! YES! To all of them except tomatoes...I kind of like those. :) I'm a Spartan and well I guess that should be enough said. :P Just kidding...kind of!


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