Monday, August 3, 2015

Sprinkle Baby Sprinkle

In planning a party for my Beeb and her second baby boy due in September, I learned that a "Sprinkle" is not a well known thing. I thought everyone did Sprinkles but I guess I'm just a weirdo. So for those who do not know, a Sprinkle is simply a baby shower for a second (or third, or fourth...) baby. With a first baby the mama gets SHOWERED with all the essentials like a stroller, car seat, crib, etc. but with a second baby she already has all that stuff so we SPRINKLE her and baby with smaller gifts like diapers, clothes, etc. Get it? 

Now that we're all on the same page, let's talk about Carolyn's Sprinkle! I thought the absolute best theme for a Baby Sprinkle was...SPRINKLES! Plus, Carolyn loves cupcakes so it just worked! 

Party planning started with an invitation designed by none other than my friend Erin. She does all my design everything and is amazing! This invite might just be my favorite collaboration because it's just so dang happy. 

I knew for sure I wanted to serve French Toast because Carolyn has been craving it her whole pregnancy and this French Toast Bake recipe ended up being perfect and delicious. Of course I was too busy eating it and didn't get a picture...but was yummy! Along with the french toast I did bacon, fruit, mini pastries and deviled eggs. I also failed to photograph the whole spread but it was pretty!

For beverages, I kept it simple with a yummy punch {orange juice + pineapple juice + sprite} and champagne {Non-alcoholic for the mama of course} then guests could drink either or mix themselves a yummy little mimosa. 

And no good party is complete with sweets so I whipped up some mini cupcakes and cookies complete with tons of sprinkles, of course. 

And speaking sprinkles, what better favor for a sprinkle than a mini mason jar full of sprinkles?

For decor I basically used bright, fun colors and tons of sprinkles! 

For the game, I filled these gift bags on the mantle with baby items starting with the letter on the bag {bobs, aveeno baby wash, breastmilk bags, yogurt melts, rattle, onesies and elephant jammies} and the guests had to guess what the items were. 

And the winner got a little gift bag with her own Sprinkle Cupcakes kit!

It was a wonderful day celebrating my dear friend and her baby boy! I cannot wait to get my hands on another squishy little Roe baby! 


  1. I love baby sprinkles and your theme was too cute! Everything looked perfect and I love how incorporated sprinkles were – your really nailed tying the theme into the party :)

  2. I love the idea of the baby sprinkle and love even more that you actually used sprinkles - so clever! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Another perfect KNF Event! Delicious food, a wonderful time and so many sprinkles. xo m

  4. Love this. Sprinkles just make everything better + pretty! What a great party! xx

  5. So adorable! Love the sprinkle theme!

  6. GREAT party- as always!!! :) I love the sprinkle theme and how cheery/fun it all is!! The dot banner, garland thing is my fave!!!

  7. SO cute! now i want SPRINKLES!!! ;)

  8. Love this ! Especially the gift the winner got of a cupcake kit :)

  9. This is adorable! You did such a good job! LOVE the theme.


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