Friday, July 31, 2015

Moving On

Big news around these parts....WE'RE MOVING! After 7 years at our current place we have decided to move on to bigger and better things. Well, hopefully better and definitely bigger! Our townhouse lease is due to be up the end of August and so we slowly began looking for somewhere new. We weren't in any kind of rush and were actually planning on renewing our lease - we just thought "hey couldn't hurt to look." We love our townhouse so much but we are starting to outgrow it and figured scouting out some larger places in the area might not be a bad idea. Jason found a house online and sent me a link to which I think my reply was "not a fan, but I'll check it out." The broker listing the house didn't do the best job of photographing the place (word to the wise, clean the dishes out of the sink before posting photos of your house online). However, when we walked through it I really liked it! A couple days later and our application was approved and a deposit was paid. And so, as of the end of next month this will be our new home. 
The house is located just a few miles from where we are now so we still get the benefits of the awesome area we love so much only it's even closer to all the places I prefer to shop! Bonus! It's got 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, a great basement/family room/rec room, and amazing patio for entertaining, an attached garage (hallelujah!) and the world's smallest kitchen (womp womp). Aside from the small kitchen and the fact that I have to part ways with my pool (not even kidding I tear up when I have to talk about it), I am so excited for the space this house is going to give us and this new chapter in our lives. 

We are renting the house as I am just not ready to commit to owning a house. Is it weird that I had no qualms about committing my life to Jason but get super nervous about committing to a house? We just feel that when we do make that investment we want it to be a house we'll be in forever and are head over heels for because let's face's a lot of money, a lot of responsibility and moving sucks! But I think this house is the perfect stepping stone for us - more space, more freedom and more responsibility without the commitment of a mortgage!  As anxious as I get about big changes (creature of habit over here) I am really excited for this next chapter and can't wait to get in there and put my spin on it! 


  1. That is amazing news!! Congratulations on the move - I think it's great you'll be able to rent before you buy it - test it out!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Yay! I can't wait to see pictures of the inside!

  3. SO excited for you guys!! Seriously- an attached garage is going to be your favorite thing come winter haha! I can't wait to see everything you do to it :)

  4. Exciting!!! Good luck on the move!

  5. So happy for you! Change is good when it is upward. xo m

  6. COngrats! new home is so exciting! Good luck with the move.

  7. Oh that's so exciting!!! Funny how things kinda fall into place when you least expect it! YAY! :) congrats!

  8. Woohoo! Congrats! I feel the same way about owning a house.

  9. WAHOO!!! SO excited for you and you are going to looooooooooooooove it!!!

  10. we are looking to rent this time around right now, i hope we have the same kind of luck! congrats!


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