Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tailgate Tuesday

My football spirit is officially in high gear. While I would never, ever, ever wish away summer there is one major benefit to the start of fall and that is in fact college football. My love for my Gophers runs deep and every year around this time I start to get those pre-season butterflies. It's a tradition of ours to go to one of the Goph's open practices each year and we got to do that yesterday! Which is why, my buddy Erin's Tailgate Tuesday link up couldn't have been planned for a better time! 
Tailgate Tuesday

It was a gorgeous Minnesota summer day. The boys looked good and there seemed to be an energy and excitement on the field that I haven't seen before. I'm feeling good things about this season and I can't wait to see the maroon and gold live in action in just 23 days!!!!

I'm anxious to get this season started and am so excited for our opening game - which just so happens to be a Thursday night game at home! We've had some epic season opener tailgates in the past but something tells me this year is going to be one for the books.

I'm also excited for a little road trip action that we have planned for November! I've been lucky enough to watch my boys on the road a number of times and am excited to add another Big 10 stadium to my list {I want to cheer my Gophers on at each one}. 

And then of course, there's one other little Gopher related event that needs to be celebrated {on Sept. 2nd!} How was this already 5 years ago?!

Well now that I am all kinds of riled up, I think I'm going to go put on some maroon & gold, practice the rouser and brush up on some of my cheers. 



  1. You got engaged on the field?!?! You are one lucky lady! I absolutely love it. We are huge college fans too - Notre Dame though :) It looks like your daughter is going to grow up to be a big fan like you someday! We're working on that with our kids too :)

    You should come link up with us for Tuesday Talk this week (and every week!) - several hosts are doing the football theme with Erin. We'd love to have you1 -Jess, Sweet Little Ones

  2. I am SO excited football is just around the corner! Sad my team's first home game is on a Thursday night but excited because it's the first one of the season and less than a month away! How awesome you got engaged on the field?!? So cool!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  3. I think it's so cool that you got engaged on that field!! I'm such a fan of college football I can't wait!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Although I'm an NFL girl at heart, I do think there's something special about college football...but you know I'm a fun of those NUTS ;) aka Buckeyes. I didnt know you got engaged on the field!!! So fun!

  5. LOVE that you got engaged on the field - that is so awesome! What a great memory to add to your college football list :) Stopping by from Erin's link up - nice to meet you!

  6. That's so awesome that you got engaged on the field! I always loved seeing that at Texas A&M games! And you're right, the energy and excitement on Game Day is unlike anything else!

  7. That little cheerleader looks so dang cute!! xo m

  8. Kenley in her cheerleader outfit and shades is just too stinkin' cute!!! :) I also still freakin' love that we both got engaged on the fields of our favorite teams!!!! :)

  9. Looks like a blast!! I love the colors. Those are the same as my high school team! And how cool that your husband proposed to you there five years ago...so awesome!!

  10. Maroon and Gold are the BEST colors to wear. (:
    I am excited for football season too!

  11. Hi there, stopping by from the link up! How cool that you got engaged on the field! I am SO excited for football too! :)

  12. LOVE that you got engaged on the field!!! How awesome is that?! Great post - love reading about so many other girls that love football too!

  13. I saw the Gophers take on one of my favorite teams, the Razorbacks, years ago at the Music City Bowl in Nashville. They beat the Hawgs but it was good game no matter how you slice it. How cool, also, that you got engaged at one of your favorite spots!

    Stopping by from Erin's football link up :)

  14. I love that you got engaged on the field!!! I for one am so excited for football season!!!

  15. Love the mini's Gopher gear! Ski-u-mah!

  16. Ahhhh I am SO pumped about football season...and fall!!


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