Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Calm After the Storm

We did it! We are officially moved. After the most chaotic August ever, we are finally settled in our new house.
The past month has been total chaos and the fact that I was in Las Vegas and then Columbus back-to-be weekends {recaps on those trips will be up eventually} did not help case! We had to have our townhouse spotless to allow for showings while trying to pack up our stuff and paint 4 of the rooms back to white {gotta get that security deposit back}! Despite the chaos, I was able to lessen our load and get rid of a ton of stuff we don't need or use! I was able to throw away and donate 18 garbage bags worth of stuff as well as sell $120 worth of clothes, movies, CDs and video games! While it may have been quicker and easier to just throw everything into boxes, I am so glad I took the extra time to really go through everything. No need to bring unnecessary stuff to the new house no matter how much extra space we'll have there.

It's been four weeks of boxed dinners and frozen pizza, some sleeping in the living room, late night paint sessions and boxes EVERYWHERE. Thank Heavens my little family is so adaptable because life hasn't been "normal" for us in quite some time. 
While we are so excited for this new house and the memories we will make here, saying goodbye to our townhouse was harder than I thought it would be. Jason and I had lived there for 7 years and made so many incredible memories there. It was the absolute perfect place for us to start our life together and it will forever be our first home.
I definitely shed some tears while turning in our keys, but now that the new house is unpacked and coming together, I know we made the right choice. I have no doubt we will make amazing new memories here and I'm so excited to share photos with you all soon! But more than anything, I am excited to return to normal life. I'm anxious to get back on a schedule, get back to blogging and return to a life not completely filled with chaos!


  1. Congrats on closing the door (literally) on one chapter, and opening the door to the next! It's sad leaving the first place, but you'll have so many more memories in the new space...like painting, and DIY projects among many others!
    Cheers to your next chapter!! :)

  2. Congratulations!!! How exciting!

  3. So excited for your family and super glad everything went okay! Cannot wait to see your new house and what you do with it.

  4. I remember the feelings when we moved out of our townhouse, and you brought a baby home there! I can only imagine how hard it was, but your new house is AMAZING and will be the perfect next home for the Fawver family! :)

  5. Well isn't that the cutest house! How fun and exciting! Cannot wait to see it and catch up soon! Congratulations!

  6. It's so stinkin' cute!!! I'm glad you are semi-settled and can hopefully get back to life as normal now. Because DUH, I miss your blog!! :)

  7. we are going through this same process right now kind of too!
    where did you guys move too?! can't wait to see some more of your new home - love it!

  8. I am so happy for you guys! You made a great choice for your little family.
    New chapter begins in that adorable house. xo m


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