Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Labor Day Weekend Shenanigans

In typical form, we had a jam packed long weekend filled with fun. While we should have probably been taking a load off and unpacking the house, laying low is just not our style. We kicked off our Labor Day weekend on Thursday with the Gopher home opener! My cousin and three of her girlfriends flew in from Denver and having them at our tailgate and showing off our campus and stadium was so much fun. 

Despite a late night of football and mourning a Gopher loss, we were up and at em and out to the Minnesota State Fair on Friday morning. It was HOT but nonetheless we shoved our faces with my favorite fair foods {Cheese On A Stick, Corn on the Cobb, Deep Fried Pickles and Australian Battered Potatoes for you locals} and had a great day seeing the animals, people watching and riding the Ye Old Mill. 
Last October, we lost our Grandpa and as an incredible way to remember him. my Aunt's friends had a bench at the State Fair made in his honor. My grandpa loved the state fair and definitely passed on that love to his kids and grandkids. It was really special to see the bench and remember our grandpa in this way. 

Friday night, Jason had a Fantasy Football draft at a friends, so Kenley and I nursed our food comas and went on a house-project-unpacking frenzy in preparation for a party the next day. Who throws a party 6 days after moving you ask? I do. FML. While it was a tad stressful and maybe not the brightest idea with all the other stuff we had going on, I'm actually really glad we had people over. It pushed us to get our house set up and settled in a hurry and now we get to sit back, relax and enjoy our house. We had about 25 people over and in my frenzy of hostessness, I didn't take a single photo. #fail
It was such a fun night and I loved being able to show off our new digs! I have no doubt it was the first of MANY parties we will have here. 

Sunday morning we were a slow moving train, my darling cousin in particular {sorry Sara} but we somehow rallied and made it to a family brunch in the morning. It's always a good time when my family gets together and having my cousin in town was the best. I again, failed to take a single picture - you'd think a nice group photo would have crossed my mind. #doublefail

After saying goodbye to Sara and her super sweet gal pals; Jason, Kenley and I were off to Weston's 
2nd Birthday Party! Kenley always loves getting together with her pals especially when a Happy Birthday serenade and cake are involved! 
{don't be fooled, I didn't take a single picture at the party either, I had to steal this one from Carolyn}

The rest of Sunday and most of Monday included an insane amount of laying around {we earned it!} It was an incredible weekend and an epic way to kick off this fall! 


  1. What a wonderful weekend and what a special way to remember your grandfather! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I am so impressed with you. That's all I can say. xo m

  3. Looks like you had a great weekend! I love that you guys got to see/sit on the bench in your grandfather's honor--so special.
    Have you gone to any of the Vikings games? We will be there in October for one of them in that stadium (we went last year too...much different and colder than the dome!)

  4. That is such a lovely and special thing to do to honour your grandfather, I planted a tree in the local park for my grandad and I love going to visit it! Sounds like you had a jam packed labor day weekend!

  5. I mean- what could honestly be better than cheese on a stick?! Fair food is amazing! And that bench is seriously so awesome- I love that his memory is living on there :)


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