Friday, October 9, 2015

A Girl and Her Dog

Today our sweet puggle girl turns 7 years old! Bailey, while hyper, has always been a sweetheart of a dog but her little buddy relationship with Kenley that has formed has made her even sweeter. Kenley is absolutely in love with her doggie and I swear Bailey gets more hugs throughout the day than we do.  These two have had a special bond from the second Kenley was born. Bailey adapted to big sister life instantly and has always been a gentle guard dog and snuggle friend to her baby sister. Now that Kenley is older, feeding Bailey is her job and Bailey sure does love her for it. Bailey was my first baby and even though her little world was turned upside down when Kenley came home, seeing my babies today gives this mama some major heart pains. They say a dog is man's best friend and in our case, that is definitely true. Bailey is just as much a part of the family as any of the rest of us and we love her so very much! But maybe no one as much as Kenley does. 

 courtesy of Sara Jayne Photography



  1. Makes my heart sweet. Happy Birthday little Bay!! xo m

  2. BRB- going to buy a puggle!! ;) Haha, but seriously these pictures are priceless. Happy Birthay Bays!

  3. Just found your blog and realized our girls are only about 6 weeks apart in age. My Drew was born 1/2/13! Went back and read your birth story and loved it. :) Your family is too cute!!

  4. Our pets truly are like our children & or siblings! Its the sweetest thing to see such an amazing bond.. Happy Birthday sweet Bay :)

  5. <3 this post. Such a sweet relationship!

  6. awweee! adorable!!! demie, we have learned, LOVES babies and kids!


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