Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kid's Shows that DON'T Make Me Want to Poke My Eyes Out

I will openly admit that we are not one of those family that shields our child from television. We definitely don't allow an all day stare fest, but a few shows throughout the day absolutely happen around here and I honestly don't feel bad about it. Children's shows have come a long way and I absolutely know that Kenley learns from them. When she was first starting to talk she'd say a word and Jason and I would look at each other like "How in the heck does she know that?" And sure enough the next day we'd hear the word or phrase on one of her shows. 

Some shows, however, are definitely better than others. There's a new one on Nick Jr. called Mutt & Stuff that of course Kenley LOVES that gives me a migraine. It is the stupidest dang show! 

Another one that I can't stand but everyone else seems to love because it's be on forever is Spongebob! I do not think it's funny and think his voice is like nails non a chalkboard. I know, I'm such a hater. 

After roughly two years of kids shows, I can confidently say, that I have a few favorites that I actually enjoy watching with Kenley. These are shows that equally cute, educational and tolerable for adults. 

1. Wallykazam. My absolute favorite. This one is about a little troll who has a magic stick that teaches about letters and words. There's a little rebel named Bobgoblin who is stinkin' hilarious but always teaches a good lesson. Plus, there's music that is catchy and fun. 

2. Bubble Guppies. Oh how I LOVE the Bubble Guppies. These little fish children are ADORABLE! Their show always has a theme that they learn about in their classroom with their wise teacher Mr. Grouper. Again, lots of cute music, great lessons and very educational. No eye poking out during this one. 

3. Doc McStuffins. This is a show I would have been obsessed with when I was little. It's about a little girl who plays doctor to her stuffed animals who "come to life" when noone else is around. Of course, there is always some kind of lesson involved. It's a cute and happy show that I can absolutely sit through without wanting to claw my eyes out. 

4. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Or as Kenley calls it, Mickey's Cuckhouse. It's a classic. Who doesn't love Mickey, Minnie and the gang? Tons of education in this one and Pete the Cat {did you know Pete is a cat? We just recently learned that!} always adds some humor in there for the adults. This show was Kenley's first favorite and she still loves it. 

So there you have it, a couple of mom approved kiddo shows that will entertain you just as much as your kid! What are your favorites? Or even better, what are the ones you just cannot tolerate?

And real quick, before I go, everyone should link up with me and Caitlin tomorrow! We've decided to do a fun Outfit of the Day linkup with brutal outfits from our childhood! I know you've all got some photos in less than desirable fashion statements - so let's see them! 
Inline image 1


  1. hahaha I love the title of this post, and although I can't totally relate to the post, I've been around my nieces who watch some really silly shows. I can only imagine some of the little little's shows. Glad there are some that keep you away from sharp objects haha

  2. Mickey all the way - thankfully my nieces and nephew are a bit older now so they watch the disney channel and I get sucked into those shows lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity DOG!

  4. Guppies, Mickey, and Doc are on the top of our list along with Daniel Tiger. Colin LOVES music videos and now there are a few of those songs that I used to LOVE and cannot stand anymore: Uptown Funk, All About that Bass, Shake It Off, and Let it Go. Ahh I can't handle anymore Elsa EVER.

  5. I can't stand some shows for kids either - Mickey Mouse is one of them since I nannied for a little boy who might have been sent to me for doing something wrong in my life. Every time I hear "Meeska Mouska" I start twitching!!

    Now shows I like... Cat in the Hat on PBS and Peppa Pig!

  6. THANK YOU. Spongebob is the WORST, some kids I used to babysit for years ago loved him and I cringed through his show way too many times. I don't know hardly ANY kid shows these days, but yes, Mickey is classic ;) My niece loves Daniel Tiger, too!

  7. OMG, Abbie LOVES Wallykazaam! Whenever Bobgoblin comes on she laughs hysterically. Seriously, Abbie and Kenley would be besties.

  8. I HATE Spongebob. I literally want to drive screws through my eyeballs when I hear that theme song come on. Thankfully, Caleb doesn't seem interested in the slightest, so that's good. Agree with all of the shows you like. We also like Daniel Tiger - which is pretty easy to watch and not super annoying, and lately Caleb has been into Paw Patrol - which I can handle to a certain extent, and then the theme song just drives me bananas!

  9. I thought I was the only one that hated Spingebob! Haha. I also like all the ones on your list. Good picks!

  10. Our daughter LOVES Daniel Tiger. When our son was her age he loved Team Umizoomi on Nick Jr., Mighty Machines, a little bit of Bubble Guppies, Paw Patrol...he was way more into TV than she is!

  11. avrie totally has her fav shows too! peg + cat, george, umi zoomi & wild kratts - i cant STAND to listen to peppa- but she LOOOOOOVES that show too!


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