Friday, October 16, 2015

Baby Two To Do

When you first find out you are pregnant, there isn't a whole lot you can do but freak out - well that, and make a 10 month to-do list. You guys know how much I love my lists, so while I was impatiently waiting to spread the good news, I put together a little {or massive} list of things we need to do before number two joins our family. I used the same checklist I had used for Kenley, but edited and tweaked  it to work for a second baby! Today I'm sharing the list and then I'll post updates on how I'm chipping away at it throughout these next few months. 

Mamas! Is there anything I am missing?


  1. Check you out! That's an awesome list. I felt like our second time around is FLEW by.. like 8 months and I still wasn't ready haha

  2. You and your lists, girl! You are such a fabulous planner, I know when the time comes who's blog I'm stalking. You and the beeb of course.

  3. Organization and lists totally make me happy, so I would be doing exactly what you're doing! :)

  4. Teach me your waaaaaaays! You are so organized, momma! I love it!!

  5. Seriously- so darn organized and on top of things. You're my role model!! ;)

  6. You're a planner after my own heart! Love it!

    Lauren :)

  7. You are soo organized... Can you come organize my life haha

  8. I LOVE this plan!! Yay for organization! Oh and put in there to get lots of SLEEP, as you might be lacking that with two little ones! :)

  9. Good Lord I wish I were this organized....maybe I'll tuck this away for baby #3 in a couple years? Probs too late to get started this time ;)

  10. already SUCH a good momma of two! #loveyourlists

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