Wednesday, October 21, 2015

{bump two} the first 12 weeks

I had the very best intentions on getting my FIRST bump update up for Monday {my new week starts on Fridays but I figure I'll post on Mondays} but after being really sick {more on that coming} it just didn't happen. Today I am 12 weeks and 5 days, so I'll catch you up on weeks 0-12 and then get to regular old bump posts every Monday next week.

Holy Moly! Bump updates!!! I kind of can't believe I am doing this again! I am so happy to have my weekly updates with Kenley to look back on, so while I have a love/hate relationship with these photos and these posts, I will definitely be doing them again. I've been keeping a note on my phone where I jot down little things as they happen, so I figured why not just convert that note into my first post to get you caught up? So here's what went down these first 12 weeks! 
{I really need to pull out the DSLR for these, these iPhone photos stink.}

08.13.15 {2w6d} - Positive test! Told Jason! Flew to Las Vegas!

08.16.15 {3w2d} - Second positive test in Vegas bathroom. Feeling lots of pain on my right side. 

08.17.15 {3w3d} - Jason's birthday! No appetite. Feeling nauseous. Went to doctor for ultrasound and blood test due to right side pain, have 2 cysts on right ovary and 1 on left, doctor is not concerned but wants to watch. Pregnancy too small to see at this point. 

08.18.15 {3w4d} - Blood test results show HCG level of 102, normal for pregnancy but very early.

08.20.15 {3w6d} - Doctor for another blood test.

08.21.15 {4weeks} - Road trip to Ohio to move my sister to college! Get blood test results in car - normal for pregnancy! Forget prenatals so text Erin {who knew my news pretty much immediately} to pick some up which leads to confusion when CVS doesn't have my brand, so she ends up buying another brand and a pill box to hide the pills in and make pill transfer seamless - dying laughing in the car as a result of pill box snap chat. Trying to keep my secret from my family is not easy! Fake drink @ The Pub in Cincinnati and throughout the weekend in Columbus - officially consider myself a master fake drinker! Told my sister the news in private before leaving. 

08.25.15 {4w3d} - Ultrasound to check cysts, which are still there. Saw what could {hopefully} be the gestational sac and start of yolk sac. Told my mom! 

08.27.15 {4w6d} - First craving - cottage cheese! 

08.30.15 {5w2d} - Moving Day! Said goodbye to our townhouse and unpacked in our new home. I definitely don't recommend moving when you are newly pregnant, if you can help it. 

09.03.15 {5w6d} - 09.05.15 {6w1d} - Fake drink my way through the Gopher Home Opener, the State Fair, our Housewarming Party AND my cousin and her friends being in town. It was a challenge, but like I said, I became a master fake drinker.

09.07.15 {6w3d} - Told Kenley she is going to be a BIG SISTER! 

09.08.15 {6w4d} - Another ultrasound to check cysts. Pregnancy confirmed! Baby is measuring exactly 6w4d and got to see the little heart flickering away! 

09.13.15 {7w2d} - Feeling butterfly like tingling in my low belly. Baby is way too teeny to feel {I think} but I can tell something is going on in there! 

09.15.15 {7w4d} - Modeled for Tzu Tzu, yes modeled! It was crazy and long and kind of painful but also really fun! Excited to see me and Ziggy rocking some gold clothes on our new website! 
That same day I met Carolyn & Andrea for dinner to celebrate the fact that they were just DAYS away from have their second babies which was also the perfect time to share that I was too {in 8 months}. 

09.16.15 {7w5d} - Craving Brisket, Chewy Candy & Chinese Food. So random. 

09.18.15 {8w1d} - Sore boobies! OUCH! 

09.21.15 {8w3d} - Feeling awesome! Lots of energy. 

09.22.15 {8w4d} - Craving milk! Feeling nervous about baby and anxious to finally see my doctor.

09.25.15 - 09.27.15 {9weeks} - Got to be MOH in my BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING! Such an amazing weekend!!! 

09.28.15 {9w3d} - Beyond exhausted! Not feeling so hot. Lasts all week. 

10.01.15 {9w6d} - Never full! Always hungry! 

10.05.15 {10w3d} - First OB appointment, finally! Everything went great until the finale when we were supposed to hear the heartbeat! Because my uterus apparently tilts towards my back, my doctor was unable to find it. It was a little nerve-wracking but my doctor didn't seem overly concerned. Thankfully, they were able to get us right in for an ultrasound where we immediate saw Ziggy's heartbeat pounding away. He/She was wiggling like a maniac! Seriously, this kid was SPAZZING. Kenley thought it was hilarious. We also got to hear the heartbeat which Kenley now emulates "Mom, Ziggy's heart goes beep beep beep beep". We weren't able to get a good photo because of the non-stop squirming but the amazing tech wa able to capture a quick 3D one in between the wiggles. Look at those little feet! And baby was measuring big! 

10.07.15 {10w5d} - Photoshoot with Sara Jayne to  get ready to announce baby!!!!! 

10.12.15 {11w3d} - WENT PUBLIC WITH THE BIG NEWS! So fun, so exciting and so filled with love.

10.13.15 {11w4d} - 10.16.15 {12weeks} -  Me and Kenley get super bad colds. It's the mega-pits. 


  1. Love these updates and that your baby has a nickname already!! Haha we have been calling ours peanut most of the time. Jealous of your little bump, mine is insane haha. Can't wait to see pics of the new house!

  2. You look beautiful. Love your hair cut!! xo m

  3. I love this!! Congratulations. You look awesome. Two is so much fun!!

  4. I am so excited to follow these bumpdates however I do NOT envy you having to do this each week ;) Ahh the joys of being a good mama-- documenting everything for these kiddos so when they are 30 and having their own babies, they can look back and realized how amazing we were! :) You look beautiful! XOXO

  5. Aw I'm so excited to read bump dates from you again. And the pill box is hilarious. Also, I need to find you on snapchat! I'm @beingmrsbeer (naturally)

  6. Such a fun review of the first 12 weeks, just awesome. You go you fake drinker and pill popper.

  7. Pill caddy!!!! ;) Love this review and all the fun/funny/random moments within the first 12 weeks.

  8. already SUCH an adventure! i still remember the moment i almost peed when you shared that you where HAVING A BABY TOO!... and i stood up all slow motion because i was all huge and REALLY SUPES PREGGO! #soexcitedforyou!


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