Wednesday, October 14, 2015

{FAQs} Pregnancy Edition

When you tell someone you are pregnant, it seems there is an automatic series of questions that follow. I did a post like this with Kenley and feel it's a good way to answer all those frequently asked questions at once.
And so...
When are you due? My official due date is April 29th! But as I learned with Kenley, that day means pretty much nothing! So, just hoping to deliver a healthy baby sometime in late April, early May.

Was this planned? Yes and No. As I mentioned yesterday, our plan was to start trying after my best friend's wedding the end of September but after meeting with my doctor and discussing our timeline, I felt worried about how long it may take us to conceive because of my endometriosis. And so, we decided to stop not trying early August to buy us a couple of months, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought we'd be blessed the first time!

Will you find out the gender? Absolutely. This Type A / OCD mama would probably go clinically insane if she had to wait 40 weeks to find out. Our 20 week ultrasound will be sometime in December!

Do you want a boy or girl? I could be cliche and say that we don't care and just want a healthy baby, and while a healthy baby is absolutely our highest hope, we definitely want a baby BOY.  A healthy baby is really truly all that matters and if we are blessed with another girl we will be thrilled but a pudgy little baby boy would be what we would pick if picking were an option.

Do you have names picked out? We have a boy name that we are in love with and have been since way before we were married {we're talking like 5th date conversation here} - so if it's a little man we are set. If it's a girl, we're screwed. It took us 7 months to come up with and agree on Kenley, so if there's a second daughter brewing in there she may just need to be named our boy name.

Will you be sharing the name? I don't think so. We had so much fun revealing the name after Kenley was born. Since we're finding out the gender, it's nice to have a little surprise at the end plus it eliminates any name judgements and comments.

How have you been feeling? For the most part, I've been feeling pretty great. Up until week 10 my only complaint was fatigue. The past couple of weeks though, I've had some bouts of nausea but thankfully haven't had to throw up. I have definitely been beyond tired and typically hit a 7pm bedtime every night. The worst of it, though, has to be my allergies. They've been off the chart and any medication safe to take does absolutely nothing so I just avoid it. Overall, I really am thankful for how good I have felt.

Is Kenley excited to be a big sister? OMG, yes! I have a whole post about the Big Sis coming up tomorrow but I couldn't have anticipated sharing this with her going any better.
Our little family couldn't be more excited and I'm super pumped to be able to share this pregnancy on the blog as I did with Kenley. There will probably be an influx of preggo posts around here but I just can't help it, I'm so happy! 


  1. EEEK! Yay, so excited for you, friend. So happy Kenley is excited, I wouldn't expect anything else. :)!

  2. Haha - I don't see why you couldn't name a little girl your set boy name?!! We plan to try for a third for sure, and if it's a third girl, she is totally getting our boy name, haha!

    Love these updates and so happy for u!

  3. April is a GREAT month to be born ;) Personally I'm hoping little Ziggy comes a few days early hehe! Hope your allergies subside soon- that must be rough!

  4. One more question-- are you going to do weekly updates of some sort? I mean I need something to look forward to each week in blog land! :)

  5. SO HAPPY, love this! I totally think it's going to be a BOY!:) FYI I'm never wrong. ;)

  6. So happy for you! We're due basically the same time! Yay for pregnancy "surprises"! xx

  7. Love the last pic! Soo cute!! We have no boy names now and lots of girls haha.

  8. YAY!!! Congratulations!! I have actually been reading your blog for a while but have never commented - so hi!!

    I also have to say I appreciate you just saying the gender that you want!! Everyone deep down wants one gender more than the other, but no one ever says it!! And of course you'd be happy with either, but thanks for sharing what you really want :)

    We have two girls (3 and 2) and I will say having two little ladies is SO fun!! But we totally wanted our second to be a boy. IF we have a third, we're also team boy :) However, there's nothing like having a sister, so either way really is wonderful.

    Anyways, so happy to be following along!!


  9. So excited for you all, Kris! And I absolutely cannot wait to see you in Colorado! Mwah!!! 😘😘😘

  10. So excited for you all, Kris! And I absolutely cannot wait to see you in Colorado! Mwah!!! 😘😘😘

  11. Eek! Still so excited...I feel like this little one has GOT to be a boy! ;) would be fun to have one of each....hehe

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