Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Finding Out

Thank you all so much for the love yesterday! I really, really can't believe I am pregnant AGAIN! I feel so blessed to be able to go through this amazing experience for a second time and my heart was bursting reading all the notes from my friends across social media. I didn't know what to expect since historically it seems the second baby kind of gets the shaft BUT that is certainly not the case for sweet little baby two, what a loved little one already! 

Our plan for quite some time was to start trying for number two after my best friend's wedding the end of September.  After meeting with my doctor in July and discussing our timeline, I felt worried about how long it may take us to conceive because of my endometriosis. After a super fun {cocktail filled} day on the boat, we decided to stop not trying in early August to buy us a couple of months, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought the first time would be a charm! This little one was just meant to be a part of our family and fast(!) and I am so grateful and feel so blessed. 

I found out I was pregnant on Thursday, August 13th. I had felt really weird for the previous week and based on the timing of things knew there was a chance I could be pregnant. However, I didn't think that it could possibly be true and was certain all the naseousness and tickling feelings in my low belly {anyone else ever feel that?} were just phantom symptoms. 

Because I was heading out of town for my best friend's Las Vegas bachelorette party, I took a test on Wednesday the 12th just to be sure. It was super early but I wanted to be safe. The test was negative. The next morning at about 5:45am, minutes before I had to leave for the airport, I decided to take one more test. After about a minute, the very faintest of second pink lines appeared. 
I could not believe my eyes. Jason was in Kenley's room getting her ready to go and I walked in with my hands over my face in total shock and disbelief. He didn't know I had just taken a test but could clearly tell from my giant eyeballs what was happening. He just looked at me and said "No way." I immediately went into some sort of weird laugh/cry combo. It was the weirdest commotion of emotion. I felt so happy and excited to be having another baby. I felt so in shock that it was all happening again. I felt so bummed out about the timing {hello, Vegas bachelorette party and upcoming BFF wedding?}. And also felt so, so, so relieved that I was able to get pregnant again. 

I quite literally didn't have time to process my emotions because I had a plane to catch. I know Jason and I talked about it in our 15 minute car ride to the airport but I frankly cannot recall a single word we said to each other. As we pulled up to the door I kind of lost it. I just started sobbing. I had just found out I was pregnant and now I was leaving my husband for four days. It was irrational for sure but I just couldn't stop crying. But off I went...to Las Vegas. For a Bachelorette Party. Pregnant. 

Once I had arrived in the desert, I called my friend Christina and told her my news. She would be on her way to Vegas soon, and I enlisted her help to keep my secret safe throughout the weekend. I knew fake drinking was going to be a HUGE challenge however I was only 2 weeks and 6 days pregnant, I had no business getting a positive test and was still processing the information. I definitely wasn't ready to share the news and didn't want to take anything away from my best friend's big weekend. If I'm being honest, I was a mess. I was so nervous and anxious about the weekend and was a giant ball of emotions. 

While laying by the pool with my bestie's now sister-in-laws, waiting for the rest of the girls to arrive, we were having a casual conversation about our kiddos and they asked when I planned on having #2. Apparently my emotions got the best of me and I just couldn't come up with a lie. They busted me instantly. They were SO EXCITED, gave me GIANT hugs and made me so comfortable. I knew right then that keeping this a secret would have ruined the weekend. I didn't want to spend this time stressed out and as soon as Marci & Liza knew, I felt instant relief. Once the rest of the girls arrived, I pulled Libby aside and told her my news followed by everyone else. These girls couldn't have been more supportive and excited for me and it made the weekend really special for me. I was able to celebrate my best friend and have the time of my life without any distractions! Yes, it would have been nice to have a few cocktails but I don't need to be drunk to have a good time. Our weekend in Las Vegas was seriously one of the best times of my life and I will never forget it, for so many reasons. The girls nicknamed the baby "Ziggy the Zygote" and the nickname has stuck!
I woke up Sunday morning, still in Vegas, with a strong desire to take another test. I know any sort of second line means positive {and Jason re-read the test instructions to be sure and we even dug my Wednesday test out of the trash to compare the two. HA!} but for some reason I just needed reassurance. I think I was still in shock and just needed to see a positive test again to really believe it. And so, me and my beloved friend Christina took a walk down the Las Vegas Strip to buy a pregnancy test. The whole thing was so surreal and really, really funny. I took the test in a Las Vegas restroom and Christina and I not so patiently waited to see the word "yes" pop up. Which it did! It was real, I was having another baby! Christina basically forced me into taking a picture with my test and I'm so glad now that she did! 
And that was it. Nothing like a trip to Las Vegas to kick off a pregnancy. But truthfully, it was perfect. I can't wait to tell Ziggy some day about how he or she got the nickname and how mom was dancing on tables at a Las Vegas nightclub, pregnant. PREGNANT! 


  1. Ziggy, too funny!

    I was waiting to hear your story because I was thinking, 'If she's sharing now, does that mean Vegas was sober'?!?!? So glad you decided to tell everyone and that you were able to relax. Good friends understand when you are sharing something special and I agree it would have been super tough trying to fake drink in Vegas.

    I was there this weekend and saw those signs everywhere, love the picture you took to mark the occasion :)! Congrats!

  2. Love the little Ziggy nickname! So cute! I missed your post yesterday so CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
    Can't wait to hear about it all! :)

  3. When people announce their pregnancy I ALWAYS look back at photos from the last 8+ weeks to see how they have been hiding this blessing...you did good my friend, you did good ;) I am so beyond excited for you! Kenley is going to be such a great big sister! Enjoy every second of this pregnancy as it will FLY by!

  4. This is such a great story! Congrats to you guys!

  5. A great beginning for little #2. A pregnancy test in Vegas with Stina is pretty darn funny. xo m

  6. I can't even handle how amazing this is. What a supportive, awesome group of friends you have!!!! I love it!!!! You're right that the timing was a little off ;) but it's pretty dang awesome. Woo!!!!!!! Still so excited for you!!!!

  7. Such a fun story to read! So glad you were still able to enjoy the girls weekend AND your amazing news!

  8. I loved reading this! ;) So crazy of the timing of it all, and how you found out SO early but your friends rock and I'm glad everyone was just excited! You're right, it would have been stressful working to hide it the whole trip! Love you Ziggy!!!!

  9. This is amazing!! LOVE it so much!! Congrats again!!

  10. This is awesome! I would expect nothing less than an exciting beginning to this pregnancy! What a way to kick off the next 9 months! Yay Ziggy!

  11. What us your due date? You must be due just a few weeks after me!! Soo exciting! Congrats again!!

  12. Aw that is such a cute story for baby #2! I bet kenley is so excited!! I went to Nashville the day after I found out and my friends were in to me when I ordered a virgin Bloody Mary!! Haha

  13. Such a great story!! How exciting!!

  14. Congrats on baby #2! We are expecting baby #1 due in April and are ecstatic! Pregnancy is truly such a blessing and miracle :)! So happy for you!!!! xx

  15. i'm DYING of you holding a pregnancy test in a casino.


  16. Yay so exciting and what a memorable weekend!

  17. I so have not seen the post from yesterday but I will :) Congrats mamma once again! That is such exciting news.. I am so excited for you...

  18. the BEST finding out story EVER! haha i love that you took a test while in vegas, the health warning sign, and the photos to show you are indeed YES pregnant and whooping it up vegas style!


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