Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday, I'm in Love

Hooray Hooray, it's Friday! We have a super fun but still low key weekend on the horizon and I am so excited about it. It's been a LONG time since we've had a chill weekend and I just may not leave my sweatpants! Today, I'm excited to be linking up with Kendra for the first time for "Friday, I'm in Love" where the whole point of the post is to share the things you are loving most from your week! How simple is that? This has week has gone by so fast, as they all do, but there are a few things I am definitely loving from this past week. For example...

I am in love with my new Kate Spade coffee mug from one of my besties, Christina! Thanks pal! My morning coffee is so much cuter now!

I am in love with watching Nick Carter on Dancing with the Stars! Everytime he performs the 13 year old inside of me gets so giddy! I'm so proud of how great he is doing and while my crush on him never really went away, it's now back with a vengeance. 
Nick Carter Brings 'Downton Abbey' to 'Dancing With the Stars' With Sharna Burgess (Video)

I am in love with my best friend's wedding photos! A definite perk of being friends with and working for the wedding photographer is getting to see all the photos just days after the wedding! Sara Jayne worked her incredible magic as usual and Libby and Nathan made her job pretty easy by being so damn gorgeous! I couldn't resist sharing just one because...I mean...come on! In love!

I am in love with the doTerra Breathe blend and my Petal diffuser. My allergies have been off the charts lately but thanks to my handy helpers I am able to sleep through the night and breathe easy! Now if we could somehow get the diffuser to follow me around all day long too....

I am in love with my friend's brand new babies!!!! Tyler and Saige were BOTH born last Wednesday the 23rd and I cannot get enough of Carolyn and Andrea's snapchats and texts. Plus, getting to snuggle with newborns is basically the best thing in life. Saige - I'm coming for you next week! 

What are you loving on this Friday morning?


  1. Any cute mug and I'm in!! That photo of your friend is stunning!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Seriously- Libby needs to be on billboards with that photo. HOW PERFECT?!! Still can't believe Carolyn and Andrea both had their babies on the same day- they are both so presh! HAPPY FRIDAY, friend!!!

  3. Love your mug, I want cake now. What gorgeous wedding photos and I am loving my oils right now too. Lavender is my jam!!!

    So happy for Carolyn, lil T is so cute! Happy Friday, friend.

  4. I have a weird obsession with collecting mugs, even though I RARELY drink coffee. I'm not sure how this happened.

    Love me some Kate- especially in a mug!

  5. Your friends' wedding photo is absolutely stunning! And that baby--so cute!!
    I've heard awesome things about essential oils, I just haven't gotten on the bandwagon with it yet. I feel like I need to tho!
    Happy Friday!!

  6. That mug is darling and your friend is stunning!! Happy weekend, lady!

  7. I love everything about this post! xo m

  8. Oh wow, what a beautiful bride!!!

  9. Thanks for linking up! I looooove the coffee mug! xoxo Kendra

  10. Your friend's bridal photo is gorgeous! And ahhh newborn babies. I wanna snuggle one right now!


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