Monday, October 5, 2015

My Kind of Weekend

This past weekend was near perfect. It was a fantastic mix of family, friends, football and being completely and totally lazy. Which, in my opinion, is as good as a weekend can get. Friday I was able to get the whole house cleaned, which is always a great feeling! Then, my college roomies came over for guac talk! It was a Friday night filled with wine, chips, lots of girl talk and general catching up. Something about spending time with my girlfriends just makes my soul feel happy - girl time is so important isn't it?

Saturday was about as lazy as it gets! Jason took Kenley to the driving range in the morning which meant mama got to sleep in! I woke up at about 8:30am but didn't get out of bed until 10:45am! It was luxurious! I just sipped coffee, read some blogs, read my really was dreamy. 

At 11am my Gophers kicked off and some friends and family arrived to watch the game, so I had to peel my lazy self out of bed and brush my teeth and throw on some maroon and gold sweatpants. The performance by my team was absolutely abysmal. We've got some major offensive issues that NEED to be addressed like 4 games ago. It's sad when you don't have a whole lot of hope for the rest of your season. BUT, watching the games with our favorite people is always fun, even when we lose. 

After the game I was pretty deflated, so back to bed to be lazy I went! I spent the rest of the day watching movies, napping, blogging, and reading. It was pretty great. The little was down in the man cave with the boys watching football and loving life, so I got to have a little mom-break which is always appreciated! 

Sunday morning I met my brother and sister-in-law to go on a little 22 mile bike ride {my booty HURTS this morning} to the Twin Cities Marathon to cheer on my friend Alisha. It was so fun cheering on all the runners! Watching all these people push themselves to run such an insane distance definitely gave me the itch to sign up for another race. I don't think I'll ever have the desire to do a full 26.2 but I'm thinking another half marathon may be in my future. I was SO proud of Alisha who finished her first marathon yesterday and looked fabulous while doing it! It was a great morning.

After the race we all went to my moms to watch the Broncos vs Vikings game. Our family was very divided as half of us are Broncos fans and half are Vikings fans. BUT the good guys game out on top. Yay Broncos! 

Then we spent what was left of the weekend snuggling with our little peanut! It's rare that she sits still, so to have some time to just cuddle with her cute little self  is always a highlight. 

I hope you all had great weekends and are ready to start a great week! 


  1. Looks like a lovely weekend, lady! We enjoyed a fun lazy weekend as well! There may have been some chips, like yours, haha. Your lil peanut is so cute, I bet she's the best lil snuggler!

  2. Could your weekend have been any more awesome? Getting out of bed after 1030? Wow! I would totally be down for some "guac talk" too...sounds delicious hehe.
    Thanks for the emails this weekend--I'll be getting back to you about that! :)

  3. Ok seriously the little one on a golf course is just too sweet!! So glad you had a wonderful weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I wanna come to guac talk! That pic of Kenley golfing is AMAZING!!!

  5. What a perfect weekend! Your little girl at the driving range is too much.


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