Monday, November 9, 2015

{bump two} 15 weeks

 Mom :: +8lbs // Baby :: appx. 4in & 2.5oz {an apple!}
Baby can now sense light, move amniotic fluid through it's nose and is developing taste buds!
175 days til Due Date!

That rough bump picture says it all, week 15 was kind of a toughie. Physically I felt really good, emotionally I was a hot mess. Can you say HORMONES? I was hypersensitive and irritable and cried SO MUCH for really no reason, though it felt like the world was ending at the time. 

Other than the raging hormones, week 15 was just your run of the mill pregnancy stuff. I have been craving shredded beef brisket since basically day 1 of this pregnancy along with whole milk - so random. I've also started having more back pain which I am blaming on the massive boobies which currently have a mind of their own - I swear they are psycho. No swelling so far, rings still fit, belly button is still in, no stretch marks or weird skin things to be seen yet although my skin is super dry and itchy. 

I also had my 15 week OB appointment which went well. It was just a quick one but we got to hear Ziggy's heartbeat beating strong at 143 bpm. 


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