Thursday, November 5, 2015

our love in numbers

Today is me and Jason's FOUR year anniversary! 

It's crazy to me that 11.05.11, the day that will always be the best day of my life, was already four years ago. My oh my does time sure fly. Thinking over the past four years, so many amazing memories come to mind with my hubby BUT our life together didn't start four years ago, it really started EIGHT years ago {on November 10th to be exact} and since all this math is starting to get confusing, I figured I'd celebrate our relationship and our anniversary with our love story in numbers. 

FOUR. The age in which my crush on Jason began.

TWENTY-TWO. The years that Jason and I knew each other before we FINALLY made out. :)

ONE. The anniversary in which Jason surprised me with a little puggle puppy!

EIGHT. The number of crazy parents we have that love us and support us unconditionally.

TWO THOUSAND. The approximate number of fights we've been in and gotten over.

SIXTEEN. The number of best friends and siblings that stood by us on our wedding day and every day since.
photo courtesy of Sara Jayne Photography

FOURTEEN. The number of days we have spent together in paradise.

TWENTY-FIVE. The number of weddings we have danced at together that were not our own.

THREE. The {almost} age of our perfect daughter!

TWO. The number of kids we will have by our next anniversary!

ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY. The number of days we have been married as of today!!

happy anniversary my jj. thank you for everything you've done and given me in these past 4 years. i have a small feeling year 5 is going to be our best year yet {imagine that?}
i love you. 


  1. I love this! Happy anniversary to you two love birds! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. What an adorable story! I remember the first time I read it :)! Happy anniversary, sweet friend!

  3. This is SUCH a cute idea!!! Love seeing your love story in numbers! :)
    Happy anniversary!!

  4. Awww you two are the CUTEST!!! Happy anniversary!!!

  5. Happy Anniversary you two!!! :) Love your story and never get sick of seeing your gorgeous wedding photos either!!

  6. Aw I absolutely LOVE this! Happy anniversary and congrats on baby #2!!

  7. What a sweet post. I remember the first time I met Jay. He was four!!
    Never thought you guys would end up with such a beautiful story but glad you did. xo m

  8. awe so cute! i love hearing the stories of those that are so great together! hope your anny night was celebrated right with a glass or two of FRE ;P


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