Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween '15

Halloween is my favorite holiday, though you'd never know it by how much I slacked this year! I watched maybe half of Hocus Pocus, I didn't decorate, we got pumpkins but never got around to carving them, and I think I had one Apple Cider in the month of October. #fail
However, I think Kenley's little lemon costume made up for all my slacking. She decided sometime in August that she wanted to be a lemon. We don't know why, don't know where it came from or how she got this idea. I personally have never seen a child dressed as a lemon, so I don't think she saw it somewhere. We thought maybe it was just a funny response to our "what do you want to dress up as" question, but nope, she stayed firm and committed to dressing as a lemon. And, so, I scoured the internet and found ONE toddler lemon costume. 
I will not disclose how much I paid for this costume but I will say that it was worth every penny, plus she was able to wear it three other times outside of Halloween. So I consider this costume my one Halloween success. 

I also dressed up, for work at the coffee shop on Friday morning. I was all excited about my Poison Ivy costume and then no one knew what I was. I shouldn't say no one, because there were people who got it but one customer asked if I was leprechaun! 

For Halloween, Kenley and I met up with friends for a night of fun and trick-or-treating {J was holding down the fort at the Gopher game for me}. We had so much fun {despite the horrific Gopher loss}, however, my child needs a lesson on trick-or-treating before next year. She was so dang polite she took ONE piece from each house and nothing more and didn't get her mother a single Reese's Peanut Butter cup. The little lemon had the time of her life and was up partying until 11:30pm - so despite the small candy haul and major lack of preparation on my part, it was a great Halloween! 


  1. I totally see the poison ivy - people clearly don't know what they are talking about! So glad you had a wonderful Halloween with the family! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Awwwww, looks like so much fun! Love that KK wanted to be a lemon, too funny and too cute. The group of kiddos is just precious, LOVE the left shark, haha!

    Your costume was pretty spot on, too! Glad you had a great halloween!

  3. Kenley is seriously so adorable! & yeah, no Halloween prep over here either. I dressed up for work and that's about it haha.

  4. What a cute little lemon! I love that little hat she had on too with the whiskers. So cute!!

  5. How do people not know who poison ivy is? and that's so funny that she wanted to be a lemon-- sounds like something Rae would pick out. Currently her favorite t-shirt is a watermelon shirt.

  6. Cutest lil' lemon I ever did see!! Although she definitely will need some work for next year-- NO Reese's?!?! :(

  7. hahahaha the story of hose she became a lemon for this year is killing me, SO FUNNY! and too cute.

    halloween is also my fav and i dont even want to talk about how much is didn't get to do for it this year. but oh well.... next year will be a BLAST as I will make up for my 2015 loss!


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