Tuesday, November 3, 2015

{bump two} 14 weeks

 Mom :: +7lbs // Baby :: appx. 3.5in & 1.5oz {a lemon!}
Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and maybe even suck it's thumb!
182 days til Due Date!

Week 14 felt uneventful, my as I write this I'm realizing a lot more happened than just a growing bump and boobs and booty! We hadour genetic screen and got to see our little Ziggy once again. Baby was being quite the pill. We just needed him/her to strike one little pose so the tech could take a measurement and baby just was not having it. Ziggy would squirm a little, get comfy, then fall asleep. Then, when we were able to get babe to wake up, it folded itself completely in half. If these ultrasounds tell us anything, they're telling us we've got a piece of work on our hands. We also got our results back and everything looked normal! So grateful!!!!

I was also able to get some shopping in and buy myself some clothes that fit. I cannot believe how quickly this bump has popped and how soon my clothes got tight. I didn't really buy maternity clothes with Kenley because I was mostly pregnant in the summer and was able to make comfy dresses work. This time around, though, I'll be pregnant all winter and knew I had to invest in some good maternity jeans and leggings. I figure those will be my stables and I can just do preggo tanks and non-maternity sweaters all winter long. And sweatpants. Always sweatpants.
Not pictured: an ENORMOUS bra. ha!

I also kind of started the very early stages of the nursery. I've got a bit of a chicken and egg situation because I am painting Kenley's furniture and moving it to the baby's room and redoing Kenley's whole room. So I kind of have to get that done before I can do anything to the baby's room but can't move furniture out of Kenley's room until I clean out the nursery {it's currently home to everything that doesn't yet have a home}. This past week I was able to make some progress and get some projects started. I also have my ideas and plans set for what I want to do and how I want to decorate!
So excited!

And, most exciting of the week, FOR SURE, was that I felt my little ninja wiggle! It's only happened a couple of times and is always when I am laying completely still {usually in bed}. It was just the slightest of butterfly flutters but that is simply not a feeling you forget! And, it was just as amazing as the first time!

14 weeks with Kenley. 


  1. 182 days until Ziggy?!?!? Woooooooohoo! Glad you found maternity clothes you like and that are comfy, I hear that makes a world of difference. You look great, mama!

  2. You look awesome!! Time is flying - those clothes look comfy. I'm not pregnant and I wanna wear them!

  3. Good clothes are always worth the investment!! :) So exciting to feel little Ziggy wiggling around!!! ♥

  4. Congratulations Kristin! I love reading your blog. You look amazing :)

  5. Those movements are the best! You look great!

  6. All good news and feeling Ziggy is the best of it! xo m

  7. Feeling the baby move has hands down been the most amazing feeling ever so far! I can't believe it! Also girl, my bras are HUGE...I mean...what?! There's no milk yet...!!! ahhh! You look amazing! xx


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