Tuesday, December 1, 2015

{bump two} 18 weeks

 Mom :: +10lbs // Baby :: appx. 5.5in & 7oz {a bell pepper!}
Baby is flexing arms and legs and ears are in final position!
154 days til Due Date!
The 18th week of this pregnancy was pretty great! I felt good, got a lot of work stuff done and even managed to get some baby related things planned out! It's safe to say that nesting has kicked in big time - now if it could just get to the point where I want everything clean {right now I just want everything figured out}. My bestie and my Beeb have both offered to host Sprinkles for me and Ziggy which means the world to me! I could not be more excited to celebrate this peanut with my friends and family! We've got dates for both Sprinkles nailed down along with the guest lists assembled! I also have our maternity photos scheduled for March and our babymoon plans pretty much figured out, just need to pull the trigger and buy the tickets!
AND, most exciting right now, I am getting all the final plans for our gender reveal worked out. We are just 10 DAYS away from our 20 week scan {hopefully Ziggy Zigs cooperates} and I am DYING with anticipation! We will find out next Friday, the day before my birthday, and this whole pregnancy I have been so excited to do a birthday/gender reveal celebration. However, as I got the plans finalized and the designed {thanks Erin!} and printed invitations ready to send out there was something holding me back. I was just not at all excited about it and didn't understand why. When I really thought about it, it just was not what I wanted. We did the giant party with Kenley, and it was fun, but it just was not what I wanted for #2. So I finally made a decision for me instead of everyone else and cancelled it. Instead we are doing a small reveal with just family the following weekend - which couldn't be more perfect because both my sister and Jason's sister will be in town! And now, I am SO EXCITED! Although it will be hard to keep this a secret for a week, I know I made the right choice.
Other than that....I ran a 10k! My brother and I each ran our first 10k's on Thanksgiving morning and it went better than I anticipated after not training at all and being 4.5 months pregnant! I was definitely feeling accomplished after that one. And we also enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with our families.
Crazy to think it's now CHRISTMAS time! It's going to be 2016 in the blink of an eye! EEEEP!


  1. You are looking great, lady! Glad the past few weeks have been good to you. How fun about the Sprinkles, I love seeing friends celebrating friends :)! Also, glad you figured out what you wanted to do about the reveal, sometimes small is what's best. Can't wait to hear what gender the ziggster is, so exciting.

  2. cant wait to hear what your baby is!!! You look great!! I have an itch to find out for us, but M really doesnt want to know and I couldnt keep a secret!!

  3. That is EXACTLY what we did with baby two,and it was perfect! After having the big party for Waverly, a quiet reveal with just our families was exactly what I wanted! :)

  4. I LOVE that you are doing what is best for your family. I think as a new mom, we always try to please everyone-- make sure everyone gets to see our babies, celebrate each milestone, and sometimes what we want is put on the backburner. So thank you for doing what you want! That's perfect! And if you need to let the cat out of the bag and tell someone, I will unselfishly give myself up to know. :)

  5. Glad the nesting kicked in! So proud of your sissy pie run. xo m

  6. I'm glad week 18 was such a good one! SO many fun plans in the work and I'm glad you went with your heart on the gender reveal. All that matters is that you and your little family get to celebrate however you want to! :) Also, still amazed you ran a 10k- you freakin' ROCK!

  7. You are a planning machine - can't wait to hear where you guys are going for your babymoon! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. I love that you listened to your gut on the gender reveal, even after so much planning! I honestly think for even my first baby (whenever the heck that is, hehe)! I'm not sure that I'd really want a big "reveal party". I do love the option of it though :) BTW you are looking amazing, girl!

  9. Yay for the bump and for the reveal!!! Cannot wait to hear what you're having :)!! xx

  10. Glad you canceled if you feel better about it :) we didn't do a big party, and I was fine with that. Sometimes it's just more stress you don't need! Good job running a 10k! That's awesome


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