Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Favorite Things Holiday Giveaway

Tis the season my friends! Hooray! I am teaming up with a couple of my all time favorite bloggers to give one of you lucky readers some holiday cheer! Erin, Pinky, Kayla and myself got together some of our favorite things to create one pretty-stinkin-awesome gift {if I do say so myself} that you can win!

From me, you won't be surprised to learn you'd be winning a super cute and festive holiday coffee mug, some reindeer nose chocolate candy and a Starbucks gift card.

From Erin, you'll get a super adorable notebook, fun colored pens and Post-It flags. That girl is after my own organizational heart!

From Pinky, you'll get a foxy {no seriously, that's the brand} pair of gold earrings {can I just keep these for myself?} and some festive lip gloss!

From Kayla, you'll get the new Adele CD! That is if I actually pack it up {that one may just get lost at my house}, super cute holiday socks and fun hair ties!

All you have to do is use this fancy little tool to earn your entries!!! We'll be announcing our winner this coming Monday the 7th, so don't delay, get your entries in ASAP!


  1. WOOOOOHOOOOOO, giveaway time!!!!! <3 ya, lady!

  2. Such a cute bunch of things! Definitely entering!!

  3. I love to give things that people casually mention when not talking specifically about Christmas gifts. I hope it shows that I actually listen to what they'd like.

  4. Scarves are a favorite gift to give because they always fit! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love giving scarves; my favorite accessory!

  7. Such a great giveaway!! I love giving pens and stationary to friends because it's my favorite thing lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Holiday goodies are always fun to give!

  9. Holiday goodies are always fun to give!

  10. This year I'm giving games and I'm excited!

  11. I'm lazy and love giving bath and body soaps with gift cards.

  12. I try and think of things people wouldn't buy for themselves or think of doing for themselves. For example, this year my sister took a photo a day and posted it on Instagram. I've downloaded all her photos and am making her a 2016 calendar of all the photos she took this year!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love giving pictures, jewelry, anything that has a special meaning or can provide a memory.

  15. Woohoo - this stuff looks AMAZING!!
    - Renee @

  16. I love giving gift baskets with all sorts of fun things in them.
    Entered the Rafflecopter as “Wild Orchid"

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

  17. I love giving coffee gift cards.

  18. I love giving CD's as gifts! Music can help people through so much :)

  19. Anything monogrammed!

  20. Reindeer nose chocolade candy?! How have I never seen that before? Sounds delicious and looks super cute, so bonus ;)

  21. 'Tis the season for giving! What an awesome collection of items; perfect for the upcoming year ahead! Cheers to caffeinated organization and rockin' jams throughout the new year!

  22. Love to give gift cards with something personal. (Starbucks GF with cozy socks and ornament)

  23. I like giving gifts that I would want to receive! OR something I have heard them mention they want but wouldn't expect to get. :)

  24. I love DIY gifts :-) Homemade liquor (Baileys, Kahlua, etc) is always fun.

  25. Now that I have a little one I love looking for things that I know she will love and freak out about! This year we are giving her a little kitchen and some play food. Currently she turns everything into pretend food so I think she will really love it!

  26. If there is a gift list I like to go off of that otherwise I like to give something that I love!!

  27. I like sending gift cards to my relatives, especially my aunt. She has always been there for me in my good and bad times so yeah.

  28. Fun giveaway!
    I love giving (and getting!) accessories - cute socks, scarves, jewelry, etc. no worrying about sizes!

  29. My favorite gift to give is homemade baked goods.

  30. I love to give monogrammed or personalized gifts!

  31. I like to give gifts that people wouldn't buy themselves!!

  32. I love giving gifts to my kids daycare mama. She has a job I could never do and loves my kids as if they are her own...I appreciate her so much!

  33. what a fun giveaway!! i love to give things I love and know they will love too and things that i know they would love but won't buy for themselves.

  34. I love giving something monogrammed! A necklace with an initial pendant, etc.

  35. I love giving handmade gifts and holiday treats.

  36. I love giving funky socks for gifts. It sounds silly I know..but they can be such a mood lifter on bad days!

  37. ive read your blog before, but never commented. what a fun giveaway!

  38. I love to give away good, clean books!

  39. Well my favorite thing to give are books but most of my family enjoys my second one better... yummy homemade treats ;) lol


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