Monday, December 28, 2015

{bump two} 22 weeks

 Mom :: +19lbs // Baby :: appx. 11in & 1lb {a spaghetti squash!}
Baby is looking like a mini-newborn and is developing tooth buds!
126 days til Due Date!

Whew, what an exhausting weekend! I love Christmas and love so much that we are able to celebrate and spend time with our giant families but it really takes it out of me, especially when I'm cooking a little spaghetti squash in my belly. I haven't been following the typical blogger procedure in terms of these bump updates, so I thought today I'd kick it old school and follow that tried and true format to catch you all up on Ziggy and his 22nd week. 

Size of the baby?  
About 11 inches and ONE pound! Why does that feel like such a huge milestone?

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
I'm not loving the 19lb gain because it's 5lb more than I should weigh at this point BUT I'm not beating myself up about it because let's be honest, who isn't 5lbs heavier around the holidays? I am excited, however, to get back in to a daily routine with life which will hopefully help that even out a bit.

Maternity Clothes?  
For the most part I am wearing bigger non-maternity stuff. However, I have a couple of maternity tops and am LOVING my luxe edition maternity jeans. I am planning on investing in a few more items here this week to hopefully keep me comfy and get me through these next 4 months. 

Stretch marks?  
Nope. None to be found so far! Hallelujah

Best Moments?  
The best baby related moment this week was on Christmas day. My mom gave Ziggy a sweet little blanket and Kenley got SO EXCITED! She kept snuggling up to it and holding it up to my belly and saying "Ziggy look at your new blanket!"

I am feeling tons of movement and love it so much!!! Baby seems to be pretty sleepy during the day but goes crazy in the evenings. I feel confident the movements are big enough for Jason to feel now but every time he tries Ziggy goes still - such a stinker! 

Food Cravings?  
I was craving waffles like crazy over Christmas for no reason other than someone had posted waffles in Instagram and they looked amazing! Thankfully both of my mother-in-laws made waffles over the weekend! So now, I'm not really craving anything specific.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
I can't eat poultry. It absolutely gags me. With Kenley all meat made me queasy but this time around I'm all about the beef {must need that iron}.

What I miss?  
Feeling good. I just haven't felt 100% in what seems like forever. While I'm not feeling awful, I just miss having energy. I also miss not having to pee every 3 minutes.

It comes and goes. I haven't been throwing up but bouts of nausea have become the norm around here.

Tired. Achey. Crampy. Back Pain. Ya know...the usual.

Labor signs?  
I've been having quite a few labor-like symptoms over the past week but was reassured at the doctor that everything is still nice and closed up. I'm not sure if these pains are Braxton Hicks, Round Ligament or just a baby boy sitting EXTREMELY low. Maybe a combo of all three?


{still can't believe it! eeeeeeeeep!}

Belly Button In or Out?
The button is still in, but it's getting shallow.  

Wedding rings On or Off?  
Rings are on and still fitting normally. My fingers have been swelling a bit when I workout, so I have to take them off then but other than that we're good.

Sleep is pretty annoying already. I am up several times a night to use the bathroom and have a tough time getting comfortable.

What I'm looking forward to?  
Painting the nursery! I'm so anxious to make some progress in there! I'm hoping to finish the trim and get the walls painted this week! 

For fun, here's 12 weeks vs 22 weeks! What a difference 10 weeks makes!!!

{and apparently I just skipped right over a 22 week update with Kenley, whoops}


  1. That is so precious that she wanted to show him his new blanket!!

  2. You have the cutest lil bump EVER :) Crazy to see the 10 week difference!! Also, I have been eating waffles this Christmas season as well- haha, I NEVER eat waffles!!

  3. I’m a sucker for Seasonal together with really enjoy a huge amount of the fact that we can easily memorialize together with spend an afternoon with enormous loved ones but it really calls for it all due to my family, especially when I will be creating meals a bit of spaghetti corn in doing my midriff. That i have never happen to be after the frequent blogger practice relating to those run tweets.
    baby follow


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