Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015, Oh What a Year!

I'm hard pressed to think of a year that even holds a candle to this last one. 2015 was truly incredible and as much as I love the "fresh start" of a new year, I'm kind of bumming this epic year is coming to an end. 

This past year I was fortunate enough to go on some amazing vacations! I traveled to 6 different states and a different country! We started the year off with an incredible week long vacation with our best friends in Riviera Maya, Mexico {recaps HERE and HERE}. It was the best week! We had SO MUCH FUN and I feel so lucky that we were able to take this vacation together. 
Beyond our epic week in paradise, I traveled to Arizona with Kenley to spend a week with my mom, spent a few days in Colorado visiting my grandparents and cousins, went on a girls weekend to New York City with my mom, Aunt and cousin {recaps HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE}, road tripped to Iowa to spend the weekend with our honeymoon friends, went to Las Vegas for my best friend's Bachelorette Party and visited Ohio twice allowing me to meet Erin and Katie {recaps HERE and HERE}!

As if all that travel wasn't enough we also moved! Kenley started school! I ran my first half marathon! I got to see both the Luke Bryan and Kenny Chesney concerts over the summer! My little sister graduated high school and went off to college! My best friend got married! We became Godparents. Oh, and I got pregnant with our second baby, which we found out is a baby BOY the day before my birthday!!!

And, because you all know throwing parties is my favorite thing ever...I also threw a couple of great ones this past year! My best friend's Stock the Bar Couple Shower, my sister's Coral & Gold Graduation Party, A Sprinkle Themed Sprinkle for my Beeb, a Bridal Brunch for my bestie and our Gender Reveal Party!

As amazingly awesome as 2015 was, it was also probably the busiest {and most expensive} year of my life. I'm kind of excited to follow it up with a slightly more low key! I mean, I'm going to be pretty dang pregnant here in a hot minute and will be bringing a new baby into the world!!! It's inevitable that things will be slowing down for us and I'm looking forward to it.

Happy New Year everyone! Have a glass of bubbly for me tonight! 


  1. What a year!! I love seeing the recap. So much to look forward to in the new year. I am so excited for New Year's Eve I can hardly stand it. xo m

  2. 2015 looks like it was spectacular! Cheers to 2016!!

  3. you really did have a pretty incredible 2015! :)

  4. We had been luckily enough to take a few incredible holidays! We journeyed in order to 6 various says along with a various nation! All of us began the entire year away by having an amazing 7 days lengthy holiday with this close friends within Riviera Maya, South america recaps HERE and HERE. It had been the very best 7 days! We'd A LOT ENJOYABLE as well as Personally i think therefore fortunate that people could consider this particular holiday collectively.
    baby follow


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