Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Best of the Best

Today is my very bestest bestie face's birthday (yes her b-day is two days before mine and yes we think that's super cool). In the 17 years (!!!!) that Libby and I have been best friends, I think this past year may just be my favorite. Going through the wedding planning and celebrating process with my bestie was so much fun and so very special. I was crazy emotional during the whole thing (even before the pregnancy hormones) because seeing your best friend so in love and so very happy is incredible. Plus, I'm a crier. Plus plus, I adore ibby's entire family and her hubby and the whole dang thing was just a giant happy love fest. 

Every single detail throughout the whole engagement was perfect. We had an amazing Couple's Shower, the best Bachelorette weekend EVER in Las Vegas and kicked off the wedding weekend with a lovely little Bridal Brunch. But none of that held a candle to the big day. Everything was beautiful, special, executed to perfection and was uniquely Libby and Nathan. 

Naturally, my friend Sara Jayne took the photos and I couldn't resist sharing some of my absolute favorites from the day. It was hard to narrow it down because they are all so beautiful, but the ones that stuck out to me as the best friend / maid of honor are the ones that showcase how happy my best friend and her new husband are and how much they love each other. Plus, of course, the ones of me and Libby ON HER WEDDING DAY! 
{sorry for the was just too hard to narrow it down}

For those of you wondering, yes, Libby and Nathan are just as frickin' gorgeous on the inside as they are on the out. 

Love you Tibbit! Happy Birthday! 


  1. Happy birthday to your bestie!!! All of the wedding photos came out beautifully!!

  2. She was a stunning bride! I adore the photo of her holding your hand while you're giving your toast! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. So these photos nearly made me cry with how gorgeous you two are and how much love you have for each other. Happy birthday to your bestie!

  4. Seriously. Cannot get enough of these photos. I don't know that I've ever seen a more beautiful bride! And the pictures of you two just explode with friendship and love- so incredibly sweet :)

  5. So stinkin pretty!! I loved the hand holding during your MOH speech.
    Made me cry and I could not hide behind my sunglasses. xo m

  6. Beautiful!!! She just looks so happy :) and don't worry, I'm a crier, too!

  7. Happy birthday to you bestie! Best friends are the best, love all the pictures!

  8. talk about BEAUTIFUL wedding photos!


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