Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Recent Reads

I set a goal this year to read 15 books and have now exceeded it. It's funny to think back to my middle school and high school days when I dreaded having reading assignments because now I LOVE to read! A couple of my most recent reads were pretty good ones so I thought I'd share my thoughts in case any of you are looking for a good book to open up this winter! 

The Girl on a Train. I know pretty much everyone and their mother has read this book already but I just got on board {get it} last month as this was our pick for book club. I'd heard a lot of people say "if you liked Gone Girl, you'll like this one" and I loved Gone Girl. I definitely did not like this book as much as Gone Girl though they definitely had a similar feel. This one took me a bit to get into but once I did, I couldn't put it down. I'd say I'm not as over the moon about this book as so many people are, but I am glad I read it and would definitely recommend it.

Wild. This is probably my favorite book that I've read this year. I was engrossed in the story from page one and literally couldn't put this book down - we're talking 4 hour reading sessions without realizing it was suddenly one in the morning. It was a very interesting and inspiring story and definitely had me thinking what kind of profound thing I could do with my life that would lead to Reese Witherspoon playing me in a movie. I also watched the movie {I think the same day I finished the book} and while it was good and Reese was incredible it just didn't hold a candle to the book, like is usually the case. If you haven't read this one yet, do it. 

The Best of Me. Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author and I love pretty much every one of his books. While this one wasn't one of my favorites, I definitely enjoyed it and recommended it. I also watched this movie after finishing the book and have to say this might be the ONE instance in which I liked the movie better. There were some side stories in the book I didn't love and the movie cut those out. I know I'm not giving this a shining review, but truly if you are looking for a quick read and like love stories, this is a good one.

The Husbands Secret. This book I actually just finished last night, and really enjoyed it. The story follows three women whose lives are intertwined in an interesting web of secrets. It's funny and keeps your interest, definitely one I recommend! 

Have any you read any good books lately? Looking for my next read! 


  1. I started the husband's secret last year and just couldn't finish it for some reason - maybe I should just start it from the beginning again lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I've read all of these except for The Best of Me, and agree with your thoughts on all of them. Girl on a Train was really engrossing, but I hated the ending. I didn't love any of the characters, but I dont think you need to love the characters for the book to be good. It definitely had me reading on and wanting to know what had happened. But the ending was a huge disappointment to me!
    Wild was such an incredible book because it was REAL. I couldn't believe someone did that...and that people DO that!
    Husband's Secret was a good one too! Liane Moriarty can do no wrong in my eyes!

  3. I wasn't the biggest fan of Husband's secret, it think it kind of fell flat. And gosh, the Train book. Everyone was in rapture about it and I was like, okay, it's interesting.

    My husband and I want to do part of PTC trail...oh boy!

  4. so we basically read all the same books. which is probably why i like you so much :)

  5. I soooo want to read The Girl On the Train! I'm late on the band wagon too!!! I also want to read Wild. I saw the movie and it was awesome but I love when a book goes into the real craziness of the story! =)

    I just picked up The Silver Linings Playbook and I can't wait to read it! =)

    Happy reading! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  6. I read "The Girl on the Train" (which I thought was awesome) and "Wild" (which I thought was okay), but now I'm really excited about "The Husband's Secret"! Have you read "This Summer" by Lauren Willig? I just finished it, and it's fantastic!

  7. I thought "The Kind Worth Killing" was better than girl on a train- highly recommend. I've read almost all of Liane Moriarty's books- they are all great!

  8. Ah you have to read Reconstructing Amelia if you haven't already. It is SO good!

  9. I want to read Wild now!! The Husband's Secret has been on my nightstand for months... I started it and liked it a lot, but then the whole going to bed at like, 8pm thing started up and I haven't read lately haha.

  10. Um, I think we've read all the same books this year. Ha! If you liked Liane Moriarty's writing then you should What Alice Forgot!! It's been one of my favorite reads from this past year.

  11. ive read all of these BUT wild. I did see that movie tho, I remember you saying you LOVED this book! do you think you will see "the girl on the train' when it comes out!?


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