Monday, January 25, 2016

{bump two} 26 weeks

 Mom :: 22lbs // Baby :: appx. 14inches & 1.66lb {a scallion!}
Baby is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid and can hear us talking!
98 days til Due Date!
Less than 100 days?! Late April is going to be here before I know it!
 I had a teeny little photo-bomber during bump pics this week. 

I feel like all I've been doing during this 26th week is shopping! Thanks to some great sales, gift cards and returns I have been able to pick up some things for myself, Ziggy and big sis Kenley too! I've suprisingly been spending a lot of time looking at maternity clothes, which is funny because I bought maybe 4 maternity items with Kenley all of which were on the fly and two of which were tank tops. BUT, I was pregnant primarily in the summer and therefore was able to make a lot of my non-maternity clothing work for the season. With my cousin's wedding {this weekend!}, two Sprinkles and maternity photos all on the horizon it is necessary for me to find some clothes that are not sweatpants and Jason's t-shirts. I had ordered some super cute dresses from asos right after Christmas, but not a one of them worked. womp womp. I was so bummed. 
More recently I've found a few things on Pink Blush Maternity and a dress from Motherhood that caught my eye and should be arriving on my doorstep any second. Let's hope a couple of these work for a couple of these events, otherwise I might actually be arriving in sweats. 

Image result for motherhood Long Sleeve Drape Front Maternity Dress

And I just have to show off the couple of outfits I've picked up for my baby boy! Whoever said shopping for a little boy isn't fun is crazy! I am having a blast! Sure, all baby stuff is adorable but I love picturing my little man in these tiny jammies and outfits.
   Product Image
I just can't handle it!

Also worth noting - we set up the crib and got the rest of the furniture in the nursery! I finished up the dresser and am so excited about how it turned out!
And, I got the closet all finished up and also got a little cube storage shelf unit for by the rocker. Now it's time to unpack the baby boxes and get to organizing!

I am waiting on a lamp and a couple more decor pieces to arrive before I start decorating. It's killing me not to put up what I have, but I know I need to wait until I have it all to be sure it all works and fits where I want it. Things are getting real over here!

A look back at the past 20 weeks....

And 26 weeks with Kenley.

 I want a tan.


  1. WEEEEEE, less than 100 days, that is so stinking exciting.

    I think all of your picks will look great for your events, you wear the bump so well :)!

  2. You're looking great mama!
    Loving all of those outfits--so perfectly for a stylish mom!

  3. These second pregnancies fly by!!! Man!! You look great! Sounds like a productive week! I was hoping to get by without buying much more maternity clothes, but they are all getting too short in length because of how differently I'm carrying! So I have placed an order to pick up when I am in Florida haha.

  4. You look great pregomama. Love the little mou getting in on the action.
    I LOVE the gray and white zebra!! xo m

  5. Eeek it's so exciting! Less than 100 days!! And the dresser looks gorgeous!

  6. 98 days until due date?! So doable, right?!! You look great! And womp that Asos didn't work out but HELLO CUTE to the baby boy clothes!!

  7. Looking AMAZING as always. I love all those maternity dresses too!


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