Friday, January 22, 2016

Holly Jolly

Hey, remember Christmas? Ya know that holiday that was A MONTH ago? Yeah, I'm just now recapping it because I am that awesome of a blogger. I contemplated just passing it by but I have some really cute photos of Kenley that I just can't resist sharing. Christmas around these parts, to be frank, is exhausting. We have 8 parents between the two of us so the movie Four Christmases is true life for us, except we like our families and actually had 7 different Christmases when you add in extended family. It's fun for us and important to us to see our families on or right around Christmas but it means a lot of running around, poor Kenley was so excited to open all of her presents but then didn't have time to play with anything because we'd have to pack up and move to the next one. OK, I shouldn't say poor Kenley, homegirl was spoiled. I just mean she didn't get to tear into every new toy and play with it, but I suppose we're teaching her patience.

Even though we were spent when it was over, this past holiday season was an awesome one. We had so many fun things planned and it was so magical with Kenley. This year she really understood it all and was so excited about every last thing. She even cried when we told her Ralph the Elf had to go home to the North Pole. The spirit of the holiday truly is revived with a little one, putting her to bed on Christmas Eve and waking up with her on Christmas morning was absolutely the highlight of my holiday. 
Along with your typical gift wrapping and cookie baking we also met Santa and decorated cookies, went on a real life reindeer sleigh ride, Kenley had her very first Christmas program at school where she spent more time making sure the other kids were performing than performing herself, spent lots of time with family and friends, enjoyed our friendly elf Ralph and got the best gift in the entire world...a baby brother! 

T'was a wonderful end to a wonderful year. It is so surreal to me that next Christmas we will have an 8 month old baby boy with us! 


  1. Gosh what a fun recap to read this morning. I love Christmas reviews and y'all certainly had a great one. KK seems to be at the perfect age for Christmas magic and cheer and her smiling face is too cute in all the pictures. Next year you'll have two kids….eeek!

  2. Better late than never ;) SO many cute pictures, it's a good thing you posted them all. What a special Christmas for you guys!!!♥

  3. Can we talk about your little babe's hair?! She is so precious. I want (need) those cupcakes!! What a Merry, Merry Christmas for y'all! xx

  4. She is so adorable! Those cupcakes look so so good!

  5. A wonderful holiday season for sure. Love watching the brave little Mou jump on the reindeer sleigh. Little ones and Christmas are the best thing. xo m


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