Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Piada, Italian Street Food

Raise your hand if you have heard of Piada! If you live in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan or Texas - there's a chance that you have. If you live in Minnesota, you probably haven't but you are about to! 
I first tried Piada when we moved my sister to Ohio State over the summer and was instantly hooked. It's basically fast -casual style restaurant ala Chipotle where you can customize your meal as they make it, only with Italian Pasta and Piadas {a wrap baked on a stone grill - much like a tortilla}. And take it from me....IT IS THE BOMB.COM. Not kidding, I'm obsessed. 
When we went back to Ohio this fall to watch the Gophers play the Buckeyes, I essentially demanded that our group of 7 add Piada to the itinerary. Thankfully, everyone obliged and no one was disappointed.
Imagine my excitement when I find out that there is a Piada NOW OPEN in Chanhassen Minnesota with a second location at the Mall of America COMING SOON! Insert happy dance! 
Each time I have eaten at Piada, I've gotten the same thing - a noodle bowl with the parmesan alfredo sauce, fresh spinach, black olives, red onions, artichokes and pancetta. Oh Em Yum! One of these days I will try something different as I'm sure it's all amazing, but it's just hard to stray because mine is SO DANG GOOD.
Also worth noting are the Piada sticks! A must have no matter what you order. Or just order the sticks - they're that good!
Now here's the part that is super exciting for you! My friends at Piada have gifted me some FREE ENTREES to share with my friends and readers who have a Piada nearby. All you have to do is visit and check out the menu, leave a comment on this post with what you would want to try or order with your FREE ENTREE and I will send you one {until supplies last}! 

And, bonus points to anyone who invites me along when you go try it. :)


  1. Next time I'm in OHIO I'll try out Piada, looks delicious! I'd love the chicken basil pesto!

  2. Oh my goodness that looks absolutely delicious! I'm the type of person that would eat pasta if I could :)

    I think I'd have to either do the Carbonara or I'd create my own pasta bowl with grilled chicken, parm alfredo, black olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, pancetta and parmesan cheese! My mouth is literally watering as I type. Thank goodness good old Chanhassen is just down the road!

  3. I miss piada!!
    We recently moved to California with the marine corps. No more Italian street food :(

  4. Yummy! Cannot wait to try it. We will have a girls lunch! xo m

  5. This is great!! My husband loves Italian food, and the Chan location is really close!! I'd make my own bowl and just go with a classic chicken and fettuccini! :)

  6. We drive by the Chanhassen location since they started building it! I'd totally get the Carbonara!

  7. There is one close to my house and we've only been there once- but I've been wanting to go back and try it again!! That steak diavalo piada looks amazzzzing!

  8. When is the one in MOA opening? I would get the Tuscan Chicken Salad. I would totally invite you along as well :) Blog date?!!?

  9. Omg yum I want some now lol :) I want a CHICKEN FRITTE PIADA!!!! And obviously you're coming with me.

  10. I'm going to have to remember that place when I go back to Minnesota over the summer! The food & the menu look amazing.

  11. I live in Michigan and have been frequenting Piada for a few years now. It's my FAVORITE and I don't eat it nearly as much as I would like to! You have to try an actual Piada; I get mine with the sausage, lots of veggies and pesto! And that's exactly what I would order with my free entree. It's delicious! <3

  12. They will be opening up one by us soon. I can't wait to try the chicken basil pesto pasta bowl! Yum!!

  13. Kristin--
    Kara has told me all about Piada but I never ended up going over break with her! I would love chicken basil pesto😍😍looks awesome. I'll have to go before I leave this weekend!!

  14. that place sounds/looks GOOD. ill wait for the MOA one, it's a lil closer for me ;)

  15. The chicken basil pesto sounds sooo good!

  16. Ohh! The carbonara looks good!! Mmmmmm, it all looks so good!

  17. That food looks so good! I love Italian it is my favourite cuisine! So sad that we have nothing like this in the u.k and everyone wonders why I want to move to the US think Target and food!

  18. looks so good. Wish we had one her in Az

  19. YESSSSS. I had Piada for the first (& sadly, only) time a few years ago up in college and LOVED it!!! That's exactly how I always described it too! Like "chipotle but italian" ;)

  20. I'll have to check this place out!! The steak piada sounds good.

  21. mmmmmmmm Carbonara and fresh veggies... I can't wait to try this place out!

  22. YUM! Next time you make it through Cincinnati (whenever that might be) we will definitely meet at the new Piada for dinner!! :)

  23. Wow, this place looks amazing! How can anyone decide?! The piadas look amazing, especially the calamari fritto misto. Might have to venture out to Chanhassen just to try it out!


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