Tuesday, January 12, 2016

{bump two} 24 weeks

 Mom :: +18.8lbs // Baby :: appx. 1ft & 1.3lb {an ear of corn!}
Baby is pretty proportional and will start plumping up and the brain is developing quickly!
112 days til Due Date!

Week 24 was a really busy one as I had a huge project at work I was finishing up. It was a couple of pretty late nights but I am thankful I'm feeling much better overall and was able to get it done! 

I really have been doing so much better which is a giant relief. I contribute that to slowing down a bit but working out more. I have been able to get in at least a 30 minute workout every day this year so far and I KNOW it's paying off - I mean, when does exercise not pay off? I've been doing a lot of walking on the treadmill and mixing in my favorite workout dvd, Jillian Michaels: Trouble Zones. There's a couple sections in there that are very core focused and just don't quite seem right with a bebe in there so I skip over those, but other than that I'm pretty proud I can still hang with that one. I am seeing the fruits of my labor as that weight gain is starting to even out a bit. I'm actually down 0.6lbs from last week and am now just 2lbs over the healthy gain vs 5 where I was before the New Year. Yay! 

Other than working to make myself feel better, I've been working on getting some baby stuff done too! I haven't really DONE anything but I've figured out a lot of stuff. Which, still feels like an accomplishment. 

I also had my 24 week appointment (yesterday) which went great. I passed my glucose test - hooray for being gestational diabetes free - and got to hear Ziggy's strong little heartbeat. My doctor had asked me how movement was going and I explained that this little one is VERY active! Minutes later she put the heart monitor thingy on my belly and Ziggy immediately switched positions causing the wandy to pop right off my belly. This one is a stinker, there's no doubt about it!

weeks 4 vs 14 vs 24! 
Look at the belly! EEEEK! 


  1. You are looking fabulous, lady! Glad you are able to get some workouts in and glad they are helping out. Cheers for passing the glucose test!

  2. So glad you're feeling better, and go you for working out! I need to somehow find time to work out!

  3. Congrats on passing that glucose test, lady! Awesome that you've been able to get in some workouts - that must be so nice!

  4. keep it up in putting your health first! its important to make sure you are feeling your best!

  5. You look beautiful my dear. Keep up the good work growing my grandson. xo m

  6. You look so great, Mama! Love how active the little man is...too cute!!! xx

  7. You look great!!! Glad your check up went well!!!

  8. YAY for passing the glucose test! That's something I kinda' have even thought about and then I just realized I'm not THAT far away from needing to do that- yikes!! Proud of you for working out and walking so much- you keep me motivated!!


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