Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Last week was a dream. I can't at all complain about daily life because it's pretty great, but we are definitely guilty of falling into a routine at our house, a routine that doesn't always put quality time as a family {or a couple} at the very top of the list where it should be. Having 5 days together as a little family on vacation was so wonderful and much needed, especially before a teeny little boy arrives and turns our world upside down. 

Jason, Kenley and I flew to Arizona last Monday to visit my mom in Scottsdale. Kenley and I have made a girls trip to Scottsdale the past two years but Jason hasn't been out in years! 
We got off the plane and immediately picked up In-N-Out, because, YUMM-O. And then put on our suits and got some sun {and come Z's} then later that night made our way to Grimaldi's for some amazing pizza. 

Tuesday, we were up and at em and ready to enjoy the beautiful Arizona weather.
Jason and I decided it was a perfect morning to climb a mountain. I had climbed Pinnacle Peak last year and knew it wasn't super easy but felt that I could do it despite the large bowling ball now protruding from my tummy. Climbing this year ended up being significantly more difficult than last year but I was proud of myself for doing it. I even got some great comments from other climbers which made me feel awesome - one lady told me I was going to have a super strong baby, another told me a baby had never been born on the mountain and I could be the first {which maybe was an insult since I still have 10 weeks until I'm due} and my favorite comment was from a lady who was struggling up and told me I was an inspiration. 
Tuesday night, we got a late tee time so Jason and my mom could play 9 holes and we could mess around without anyone behind us. It was the most gorgeous night for golf and we had a great time.


Wednesday, we went on a little road trip to Tucson for an Arizona basketball game which I will recap tomorrow because it definitely is worthy of it's own post.

Then on Thursday when we got back to Scottsdale we all took some naps, spent some time in the pool and then Jason and I got to go on a date night! We had an incredible dinner at The Capital Grille and then saw Zoolander 2.

It was so great to have some time alone with my baby daddy and we had so much fun. When we got home, we lit a fire, snuggled up and enjoyed some cocktails {NA for me for course.}
Friday was our last morning with our JJ, so we started off with a nice walk then spent the rest of the morning by the pool before we had to bring him to the airport.
I was super strangely emotional about Jason leaving {thanks hormones} but when I thought about it, I realized that we really needed this time together without the distractions of every day life and I was super sad to see it come to an end. Plus, being away from my hubby for 6 days is always tough. I am so grateful that we were able to take this trip and have this quality time before family member #4 arrives in a couple of months! 


  1. That pizza looks AMAZING! Glad you had a good time at the babymoon!

  2. Looks like such a fabulous Babymoon! Love the picture of lil K with the pizza, that's how I feel when I see a whole pie for me ;)!

    Way to go on the climb and LOVE your black and white dress, so pretty. KK in her swimming suit is too too cute. I can understand getting emotional when your husband leaves, 6 days is a long time.

  3. What a fabulous trip!!! Glad you guys got to spend time as a family!!!

  4. What a fun trip!! :) That golf pictures of Jason and Kenley and the sunset is STUNNING! That should be a framer! I'm more than a little jealous of your trip and I know you guys totally made the most of it! Now come home so we can sprinkle it up!!!!!

  5. I'm sure you DON'T want to hear this- but Kenley is looking so grown up these days!!! :) Love the pictures of you guys out on date night- and so glad you were able to go out for some adult fun! Also so SO impressed you hiked that giant mountain- go momma!!!

  6. Next time you are in Phoenix, go to Cornish Pasty Co. Its the most amazing food ever!! I miss it dearly.

  7. Thanks for letting me hang around your babymoon. xo m


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