Monday, February 22, 2016

{bump two} 30 weeks

Baby :: appx. 15.7inches & 3lb {a large cabbage!}
Baby is surrounded by a pint of amniotic fluid, but that will go down as he grows bigger and bigger!
70 days til Due Date!

Hello from sunny Scottsdale! Our babymoon has officially come to an end {sad face} but Kenley and I are still here basking in the sun and spending quality time with each other and my mom {it doesn't get much better than that} for a few more days. I'm excited to share what we did while Jason was here {tomorrow} but first, let's have a look at this pregnancy during week 30! Shall we?

Size of the baby?  
TheBump and Baby Center say somewhere around the size of a head of cabbage or a cucumber...but this baby is definitely bigger than that. At our last appointment, Ziggy was measuring 2w and 1d big! I'm anxious for our next ultrasound {on the 2nd} to see if he's still as large and in charge. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 
I am on vacation and definitely not weighing myself while I'm here! Last time I checked, I had gained 25 pounds but my weight seems to be fluctuating quite a bit - so who really knows!

Maternity Clothes?  
This week I am living in my maternity swimsuit {same one I had with Kenley} and non-maternity cotton dresses {also, already in my wardrobe} which has been an awesome break from maternity jeans! 

Stretch marks?  
Nope. None to be found so far! Hallelujah

Best Moments? 
Spending the week with my little family in Arizona! It's been so fun having that quality time and a break from regular life. Definitely refreshing and much needed before welcoming a new family member!

Ziggy is still a ninja. The movements seem to be either tiny little hand or feet flutters or giant rolling all over the place movements. The big ones are getting more painful and uncomfortable but feeling this little guy move is always reassuring, special and truly amazing so I welcome it.

Food Cravings? 
No real cravings at this point. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Not really, though I absolutely cannot eat chicken.

What I miss?  
Not being huge. I've reached that point where I am pretty uncomfortable most of the time. I miss this days where my clothes fit normal and getting comfortable in bed took less than 10 minutes. I love having the experience of growing my baby boy, but I'm ready to have this little one on the outside and get back to this body being mine again.

Only time I'm feeling nauseous lately is if I go too long without eating or don't drink enough water.

Major belly skin stretching! It's so itchy, no matter how much lotion or belly butter I put on. Baby is also very heavy and feels low so I'm feeling a lot of pressure. And, per usual, my lower back is an ongoing complaint.

Labor signs? 
No labor signs yet! I have been having some very mild cramping way down low and some of those fun shooting pains that go straight through the hoohah. Whether that means anything or not, I don't know but I can definitely tell we are reaching the final stretch.

Belly Button In or Out?
The button is still in, but it's super shallow.  

Wedding rings On or Off?  
Rings are on and still fitting normally. My fingers seems to swell quite a bit when I exercise and when I'm laying down for bed - so I've been taking my rings off to workout and to sleep.

What's that? Sleep has been a total struggle fest lately. Getting comfortable is nearly impossible and I'm up quite a bit to use the potty. Plus, my mind is on overdrive. I'm constantly thinking about all things baby and it's hard to turn it off. I actually have been using a childbirth hypnosis I found on youtube some nights to help me relax and clear my mind - which has actually been helping!

What I'm looking forward to?  
My Sprinkles!!!! I have two coming up in the next couple of weeks and am SO EXCITED! Both invites have arrived and from what I can tell my besties are putting together some really great celebrations for my and Ziggy. It just means so much to me and I can't wait to see all of my friends and family and celebrate my baby boy!
Can I also just say how crazy it is to officially be in the 30's??? Ziggy will be here some time in the next 10ish weeks and the literally blows my mind! I am getting SO excited to meet him!

weeks 10, 20 30!


  1. Where do you find all of your cotton dresses? You look AMAZING!

  2. The allstar invite is super cute and you look FABULOUS, lady! The cactus is such a cute backdrop, I'd love to be in dresses right now.

  3. So glad that you had a great time in Arizona! You and that little cabbage are looking adorable :)

  4. You look absolutely FANTASTIC- and I love that this week's bumpdate is out in AZ :) I still can't imagine the "big" movements yet but I bet those are weird- like you said though, always good to feel though no matter how uncomfortable :) I can't wait to read more more MORE about your babymoon fun- so glad you guys got away for some sunshine and relaxation!

  5. You're looking gorgeous, Mama! 10 more weeks--I can't wait to see pictures of Ziggy!

  6. Can we just talk about how proud I am of you taking a bump picture every week??? You're doing so good mama! HAHAHA :) You look great and I can't wait to celebrate Ziggy this weekend!

  7. Yay for your sprinkles! And for baby coming soon!! I bet he'll be early with his big boyness! Preaching to the choir about that lower back pain...yikes! Large and in charge for sure! You look awesome as always :)!

  8. YAY for being in the 30s! I can't decide if I want time to speed up or slow down now... yikes. I'm jealous you're in Arizona, I would love to get some sunshine before this baby comes but we waited too long to plan something and now I think it may be too late - wah wah! I hope you manage to get some better sleep soon! -- Lisa | Naptime Chai

  9. You are a beautiful pregomama. xo m


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