Monday, February 29, 2016

{bump two} 31 weeks

Mom :: +27.6lbs // Baby :: appx. 16inches & 3.33lb {a coconut!}
Baby is can turn his head side-to-side and his arms, legs and body are starting to plump up!
63 days til Due Date!

My due date is TWO MONTHS from today! I am feeling like I've been pregnant FOREVER and it seems like it was a lifetime ago that I found out. But, I also know once Ziggy is here, I'll look back and think "wow, did that fly!" I know the final weeks tend to creep but it feels like my baby boy is coming quick! Everyone seems to think he's coming early, which he might, but I'm trying not to think about that because it's very possible this one will be late just like his big sissy and come late.

Speaking of sissy, this little girl is getting so excited! She asks me several times a day when Ziggy is going to "pop" out and then goes on about how cute he will be and how tiny and how she can't wait to kiss is head and tell him happy birthday. It's the cutest and makes my heart swell. I don't even want to know what kind of mess I'll be when my babies meet for the first time, but I can't wait! Because she's been asking so often when he's coming, I decided to do a little project with her and make a countdown to Ziggy's due date.
I explained to her that this day was just a guess, so now she always says, "he might come before our countdown or maybe after or he might come in the middle of the night when it's dark. Silly Ziggy."

Like most weeks lately, this last one has been a bit of a rollercoaster. I am feeling the effects of late pregnancy in a big way. I am trying really hard to love and appreciate the journey and embrace these last days as this is most likely the last time I will be pregnant, so my emotions are everywhere. As many things as I love about being pregnant, there are also those not-so-fun things that come with it too, and at this point I am just so so so excited to meet my little man. Basically, I am ready to be done but will continue to do my best to enjoy these last two months.

The highlight of the past week was definitely my first sprinkle over the weekend!!! It was so much stinkin' fun and I can't wait to share all the details with you tomorrow!

{didn't have a picture that week I guess}


AND, congratulations to Jessica Wells who won my Vintage Sports Painting giveaway from Dull & Boring!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Two months, get outta here!!! Wow, time sure is flying by. The sprinkle for Ziggy looked adorable, can't wait to see and hear more about it. And what a fun project for KK and you.

    Oh and once more with feeling YAY LEO!!!! #ziggytoleo

  2. Melting at the Big Sissy love!!! So sweet. I can't believe I have 8 more weeks left too - how can I get any bigger?!?! Haha! xx

  3. Wow can't believe your due date is 2 months away its gone so quick! Such a fun project to do with Kenley, she will be a great big sissy.

  4. Eek! I feel like your pregnancy has flown! I love the little project with Kenley! She already loves him so much!!! :)

  5. No way! I am excited!!

  6. Lookin' good!! I'm jealous of your tan ;) Keep hanging in there these last FEW WEEKS (omg.) because it raelly will be here before ya know it. Love the countdown you and Kenley made- she is seriously going to be the best big sis ever!


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