Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday's Five

Happy Friday everyone! Normally, I would be totally bummed to be home from vacation {we got home last night} but not today because I have so much awesome stuff to look forward to in the coming week! Such as the following five things...

1. Sprinkle - My Beeb is hosting a sprinkle at her house this weekend and I am seriously so so so excited. I never expected to have a Sprinkle, so I am pumped to get to celebrate Ziggy with some of my best friends on Sunday! 

2. Oscars - Those who know me in real life know that Oscar Sunday is like Christmas at my house. I cannot stinkin' wait for the Red Carpet and Hollywood's biggest night! I've got my Oscar pool all ready to go {gotta add some wagering to the event don't ya know} and am excited to HOPEFULLY see my main man Leo win his first Oscar. 

3. Doctor's Appointment - my 32 week appointment is on Wednesday and I am getting excited to go in and check on little Zig. We will have another ultrasound to check the chord and will once again make sure he is growing properly, which up until now has seemed to be a non-issue. I've had some crazy large movements lately, so I am hoping to confirm that this little ninja is still face down. 

4. Dance Class - My dreams of reaching Dance Mom Status are coming true!!! Kenley is signed up for dance and starts on Wednesday! I am so excited! And so is she, which is the important thing! AND, we get to shop for tap shoes, I mean come on! 
For real tho. Whether you have no rhythm, dance for fun, or are a competitive dancer just DANCE already.:

5. Beyonce - My first night out without baby is officially on the calendar. It's not coming up this week {obviously} but I couldn't resist sharing the I'M GOING TO BEYONCE! We bought tickets on Monday and I am soooo pumped! This will be my third time seeing her and I'm just as excited as ever! Watch out Minneapolis, on May 23rd mama will be cut loose and ready to rock! 

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


  1. SO excited to see you Sunday and celebrate your lil man!!
    AND I'm all jazz-hands excited that you've reached dance mom status. Greatest news ever. The girls have a comp coming up in Blmgtn in a few weeks. You should come!

  2. EEEEK, so excited about the shower, you are going to have so much fun. Wish I could fly in to celebrate you and see the girls!

    WOOHOO dance mom status, KK will be the cutest lil dancer.

  3. You're going to have such a fun time at your Sprinkle! I love the idea of a few close friends getting together to celebrate a new babe! :) in other important news. I still can't believe Leo hasn't won an Oscar. It's crazy! He's amazing!!

  4. SO many fun things to be excited about! I can't wait to hear all about your Sprinkle, I know it's going to be a blast. And CUTE invitations ;) Definitely ready to watch the Oscars this weekend- rooting for Leo BIG TIME! Kenley is gonna be the cutest lil' dancer out there- I hope she loves it!!

  5. Ahhhh! That's awesome that you're going to see Beyonce! And I love love Oscar night too! Here's hoping Leo FINALLY gets his big win!

  6. YAS BEYONCE! She's not coming to Denver, but my friend and I bought tickets to see her in San Diego and I can't freaking wait!

  7. Yay for dance class- where did you end up signing up at?

  8. Sprinkles are my favorite way to celebrate baby #2! And dance class!!! Can't wait to hear about that!


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