Friday, February 5, 2016

The First Haircut

My 3 year old daughter has epic hair. It's so long, so thick and has the most perfect curls. It's ridiculous to say, but I have major hair envy. 
I hadn't yet cut Kenley's hair for several reasons the first being I didn't want her to end up looking like this:
Yep, that's me. #awkwardphase
But seriously, some kids' haircuts are so brutal, I just couldn't do that to her. Secondly, I was scared the curls wouldn't come back. I know it's silly but I love those curls and the thought of chopping them off physically hurt me. And lastly, I wanted my Aunt Tina to be the one to give her her very first cut. My Aunt has been in the hair business for decades, owns her own salon in Fayetteville, Arkansas and gave both me and my brother our first haircuts. Kenley hadn't seen my Aunt Tina since she was 10 months old and actually, Tina did cut a teeny snip of hair off then so she could say she gave her the "first" haircut, but this past weekend in Colorado, it was legit.

 and After:
We ended up cutting about 6 inches off! It was a little emotional for me at first but ended up being really fun. Kenley's hair looks so much healthier and thicker and those curls are still there! And most importantly, she doesn't look like a freak! I mean, most importantly, my Aunt gave her her first haircut! ha! But seriously, Kenley may not get another haircut until we see Aunt Tina again.


  1. So pretty! Looks like everyone survived it, unscathed :)

  2. Awwww her hair is so cute. I saw the picture earlier and was like gulp, hair cut!

  3. HAHAHA, OMG we were haircut twins. Seriously, I have to find the picture but what were our moms thinking with those haircuts!?!?

    I'm terrified to get Abbie a haircut only because she won't sit still.....

  4. Um, major hair envy over here too! Lol! Her hair still looks absolutely beautiful - and just as curly - post cut, so good decision, mama! :)

  5. I'm not going to lie- I CACKLED out loud at that picture of you! ;) And Kenley seriously has the best hair ever- I'm completely envious! So fun that your Aunt got to give her the first cut :)

  6. Lol! That photo of you! Don't you LOVE the awkward phase of growing up?! Mine was brutal ;) seriously. She has the PRETTIEST hair ever!!!! I'm definitely jealous!

  7. So pretty! My daughter has hair just like that - totally makes me jealous! She's only ever had a trim (once) but, because she twirls it at night and wakes up with tangles galore, I'm considering getting her a real haircut! So many decisions. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Oh I'm so jealous of that gorgeous hair!! I wish mine curled like that!

  9. give me some pointers and motivation to get avrie in... i just cant do it!!! but she really needs it, i am planning for summer.

  10. Love her haircut! She's so cute :)


  11. For the record - Kris asked for the Dorothy Hamill haircut! Very particular and I had little to do with her personal style. :) xo m


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