Monday, February 8, 2016

{bump two} 28 weeks

Mom :: +26lbs // Baby :: appx. 14.8inches & almost 2.25lb {a large eggplant!}
Baby is blinking his eyes {which have eyelashes!} and might be able to see light filtering through my belly!
84 days til Due Date!

I am on CLOUD 9 on this Monday morning! This past weekend was incredible! As if the Broncos winning the Super Bowl and Beyonce announcing a tour {see ya on May 23rd B!} wasn't enough, on Friday afternoon Jason, Kenley and I got to see our baby boy at an ultrasound appointment. When we had our in-depth ultrasound back in December to rule out any heart issues, they found something weird with the way the umbilical cord is attaching to the placenta that they wanted to keep an eye on later in pregnancy as I guess it can result in baby not gaining enough weight. I am extremely happy and relieved to report that we have no issues there {at least for now}. In fact, quite the opposite, I was exactly 28 weeks at the appointment on Friday and Ziggy is measuring at 30 weeks & 1 day. Looks like a big boy is in my future, which I kind of new was coming - Jason is 6'4 and my dad and brother are both 6'5, this kid is destined to be a hooper. We also got to hear his strong heartbeat and see his adorable little face.
It's so crazy that the third trimester is here! It feels like I found out I was pregnant forever ago and at the same feels like it's all going so fast. I have a feeling the next two months are going to fly by with all the fun things we have planned {1 week until our babymoon!} and then all of a sudden it's going to be baby month! I am starting to get really anxious to meet this baby boy. I seriously spent most of Friday night staring at that ultrasound photo and getting so excited about meeting my little man. Plus, I've had a couple of friends have babies in the past couple of weeks so it makes me all sorts of happy that it'll soon be me!

Besides the appointment and welcoming the third trimester with open arms, this week has been pretty good. I've been wiped out from from our Colorado trip and am feeling more and more uncomfortable with this big boy taking over my body, but truly, I can't complain. I feel so very blessed. Sleep, however, is definitely becoming an issue, I am having such a hard time getting comfortable and with at least 3 potty breaks every night it seems I'm spending the whole night trying to position all my pillows and find a way to fall asleep.

I have my 28 week appointment with my OB this morning and am hoping I get nothing but good news and then hope to get a couple other little baby things checked off the list before we leave town next week. It's getting real people!

The past 20 weeks...

...and 28 weeks with Kenley.


  1. So glad to hear that everything looked ok with the umbilical cord! I'm sure that's a relief!! You're looking great, mama!!

  2. 28 weeks looks good on you, lady! I bet you are feeling great this Monday, I enjoyed our Twitter talk last night, haha.

  3. You look SO happy in that bump picture- I love it! :) You look great!! And I'm so glad you got to see that adorable little face again and that Ziggy is doing great in there. Hooray for all your fun you have coming up in the next couple of weeks/months too!!! :)

  4. oh my goodness! Doing some catching up today on my fav. bloggers and see you are pregnant again too! I'm one week behind you! Kenley is gorgeous and got so big!! Wow, so happy for you, glad to catch up again!

  5. You are looking so great girl! I'm happy to hear baby boy is healthy!!! :)

  6. Oh my goodness that sweet baby face!!! We have an ultrasound for my 30 week appt next Monday and this just made me even more excited! funny that he is measuring so big! That's SO exciting though...little man might be here before you know it ;)!! You look fabulous and thankful for a healthy report card! xx


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