Tuesday, February 9, 2016

US Navy 90th Birthday Party

Last week, I recapped my cousin's wedding in Colorado but the purpose of our trip out West was actually twofold. After celebrating Ben & Emily our focus was immediately switched to my mom's side of the family and in particular my cutie grandpa who turned 90 years old on January 13th. My mom and Aunt Tina {with a teeny bit of help from myself} worked so hard planning and executing a 90th birthday celebration that was perfectly Grandpa George. 

My grandpa served in the US Navy from 1944 to 1947 and the stories he has told us throughout the years are legendary. It seemed fitting and completely perfect to honor his service and his stories and use the Navy as the theme for the party. Per usual the incredible Erin designed the invitations which set the tone for the celebration.
My mom put together an incredible brunch spread, my aunt nailed the decor, I did my best attempt at some coordinating deserts and we finished everything off with some of my grandpa's most favorite things  - licorice, jelly beans and peanuts. 
As wonderful as all the details turned out and the plans were executed, the people who were there to celebrate absolutely made the party. Not just our family but my grandpa's nearest and dearest friends as well. 
This party was beautiful, thoughtful, special, emotional and truly George. I feel so blessed that our entire family was able to make it out to Colorado at the same time so that we could celebrate this special man together. 


  1. OH EM GEEEE! Your grandpa and my grandpa share the same birthday and they both turned 90 this year, how awesome! We are so lucky to still have them around. TBone was only in the Navy for awhile, right before the end of WW2 and he's still a proud Navy man.

    The picture of Kenley kissing him is just the cutest thing ever. I'm hoping one day to have my own picture of my grandfather and kid, so special! <3 you!

  2. Wow! What a great celebration! I hope I can look half as good as him when I'm his age!!! Happy Birthday Grandpa!

  3. Everything turned out SO cute!! :) Grandpa George is absolutely adorable and I'm glad everyone could be there to celebrate his 90th!!

  4. Thank you for the wonderful recap. So proud of my family. xo m

  5. Oh your grandpa is so sweet, I want to give him a squeeze! Makes me miss my grandad! What a wonderful celebration with your family!!

  6. What a cute party! Also, I officially want to be best friends with your grandpa. He's precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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