Monday, March 21, 2016

{bump two} 34 weeks

Mom :: +31lbs // Baby :: appx. 18inches & 4.75lb {a canteloup!}
Baby's lungs and nervous system are continuing to mature and he is adding more and more fat making his skin nice and smooth!
42 days til Due Date!
 I'm not going to lie, this past week has been ROUGH. I'm smiling in those bump pics, but you can see the exhaustion in my eyes - at least I can. Kenley has been sick all week {finally feeling better} and a sick kiddo plus pregnancy insomnia has taken a huge toll on me. It doesn't matter if I go to bed at 7pm or 11pm, I can't sleep. No matter how tired I am. I can't sleep. It's a combo of not being able to get comfortable {literally no matter what I do}, feeling like I can't breathe {thanks  big baby}, horrible heartburn, Braxton Hicks, my mind racing about nothing and then the toddler calling for me anywhere from 5-10 times a night. I don't know if I've ever felt so exhausted and it's made me feel both sick and really blue. Saturday, with Jason home, I was able to nap on and off all day and then that night took a hot bubble bath with a couple drops of lavender before bed and was actually able to get some sleep and felt a lot better yesterday. I'm hoping to just chalk this up to a bad week and am praying it's not like this for 6 more weeks. 

Despite feeling like I was taking crazy pills, I was able to get some baby stuff done and even have a little fun too. I have been seeing my chiropractor once a week and it's been amazing. I don't know yet if Zigs has flipped {I have a regular OB appointment today and am hoping my doctor can tell his position} but even if he hasn't flipped the difference in my low back pain is worth every appointment. It's pretty remarkable the change and I am so grateful to take that complaint off what seems to be a long list. My hubby also gave me the green light on a prenatal massage which was also amazing, if only I could find a way to have one every day!
Super random, but I am the only one who will milk a blow out until the bitter end? I had my hair blown out for my Spinkle last Sunday and refused to wash my hair for daysssss. Even with no makeup and bags under your eyes you feel put together with pretty hair.
I mentioned last week, my mom and I visited the hospital where I will give birth to tour the birth center. I am so glad I decided to do this and am even more glad my mom decided to come with me {she loves hospitals and it allowed Jason to be home with Kenley}. I did have a bit of an embarrassing moment our group walked into the lobby of the recovery floor a little girl who was probably 3 or 4 with long blonde hair came running down the hall wearing a Big Sister shirt yelling "Grandma! Grandma! I have a baby brother!" and then gave her grandma a giant hug, You guys, I couldn't hold it in. I sobbed. Like so much so, other people in the group noticed and my mom had to locate some tissues for me. But aside from making a fool out of myself it was great to get a refresher on everything and feel more comfortable about where I'll be on the big day. PLUS, our nurse spent a decent amount of time walking us through exactly where to park and exactly the door to enter, Jason and I somehow messed this up last time and I ended up having contractions in some basement corridor nowhere near the birth center and had to get directions from a cop. And naturally, my mom and I had to rehash the details of the tour over dinner and drinks. 
I've been using the little energy I have to pick away at some of those remaining to do list items and am feeling more and more ready for this baby every day. Even though I feel pretty miserable and cannot wait to meet this little guy {and get him the heck out}, I am trying super hard to savor these last weeks as this is likely the last time I'll be pregnant. It's truly a miracle and I am so grateful to be able to experience this a second time. Every pain and sleepless night is absolutely worth it. 

30 weeks in the making....


One more thing! I'm so late on this and am so sorry but congrats to Stephanie F. who won a set of four 11x 14 canvases from Saint and Sailor Studios! Check your email girl! 


  1. You look great, mama. I know you feel tired but you still have the baby in the belly glow. SO sorry it was a tough week, glad it's behind you and Saturday gave you some much needed rest and relaxation. WOOHOO for hospital visit and too cute to the lil kid story, I'd probably tear up too! <3

  2. I'm agreeing with Pinky - even if you're exhausted and drained you look like a gorgeous preggo! :) I'm hoping your feelings turn around and you can enjoy these last few weeks. That hospital story CRACKS ME UP. :)

  3. Baby boy will soon melt your heart and this miserable pregnancy will fade away.
    I hope you get the final energy spurt you so deserve. xo m

  4. Yep! You'd never know you're tired and worn out- honestly. You look amazing AND those bump photos with Kenley are some of my fave!!! ;) Sending good flip vibes your way still!!

  5. i love how kenley fits perfectly on your bump!

  6. I totally hear you on the heartburn and not being able to get comfortable AND having a sick toddler on top of it all! Clara had a cold last week that she was only too happy to give me and I swear the only thing worse than having a sick toddler is being sick myself! I need all of the caffeine this week.

  7. Girl. I hear you on the insomnia, discomfort, etc. We are SO close! You've got this! Can't wait for your little babes to meet. What an incredible moment it will be! Annnnd I milk blowouts to no end. I wish I could know when I would go into labor to ensure I have a blow out! How vain am I?!


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