Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kenley's Big Sister Gift

I knew without a doubt that I wanted to do something special for Kenley at the hospital when her baby brother is born. It's going to be a huge day for all of us and I want to be sure that she feels special and excited, so I put together a little bag of goodies for her to open when she comes to meet the baby for the first time. I threw in a mix of big sis goodies as well as some of Kenley's favorite things and wrapped everything up individually to add to the excitement. I am so pumped about how it came together and am having a hard time keeping it from her! 
The custom tote came from one of my favorite bloggers Leah and her adorable shop Simply Made with Love. I love the colors, the size and the quality of the bag! This is something Kenley will be able to use for years to come and I couldn't love it more! Leah has so much cute stuff, you need to go check out her shop!

Make sure to come back tomorrow {and next Wednesday too} because I'm going to be giving away a couple of things from the bag! 


  1. Such a good idea, love all the pretty colors. KK will love this bag. I only wish this was prevalent when I was a new big sister ;)!

  2. This is so sweet!!! I bet she will be Mommy's best little helper! My mom said when I was born, my sister would cry every time she had to leave the hospital because she didn't want to leave Mommy, much less her new baby!! Little girls are such little Mamas <3! xx

  3. Great job! Can't wait to hear how much she loves it!

  4. Very thoughtful and Mou will love everything. Wish I would have thought of that for you 27 years ago. xo m

  5. Absolutely LOVE everything in Kenley's bag- she is going to be so excited!!! :) That bag is adorable and definitely something she can use for years. That looks like a little dance practice bag to me ;)

  6. This is so sweet and special and definitely Kenley will feel like she is part of everything (we know she is, but she'll feel it too!) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. What an adorable Big Sister gift! Kenley will love it!

  8. The gift bag is adorable! She will love it and can use it for years. She will feel so special!

  9. So cute and really fun! Big sister is gonna love it! I love the hospital bracelet :)

  10. So cute and really fun! Big sister is gonna love it! I love the hospital bracelet :)

  11. LOVE Leah and her shop! this is so cute-stealing ideas for cam!


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