Monday, March 28, 2016

{bump two} 35 weeks

Mom :: +32lbs // Baby :: over 18inches & 5.25lb {a honeydew!}
Most of baby's basic development is now complete and he'll spend the next few weeks just putting on weight!
35 days til Due Date!

I'm not going to lie, I feel like I have been pregnant for an eternity. Everyone who has had a second baby warned me that the the second pregnancy flies by in the blink of an eye and that definitely has not been my experience. It's definitely been different than first, but feels like it is just inching along. Yet, somehow, I am still in disbelief that I'm nearing the end and this baby boy will be joining us sometime in the next month-ish.

The symptoms are still pretty much the same - no sleep, extreme heartburn, head-to-toe discomfort. It's not pretty and I feel like crap most of the day every day. BUT, I know this will all be over soon and it will be worth every second. 
My OB appointment last week was pretty uneventful, it was just a quick one. Ziggy's heartbeat was nice and strong and I was measuring right at 34 weeks, which was unexpected since I've been measuring big the whole time. Unfortunately, my Dr. wasn't able to tell Zig's position. Based on where she could feel his feet and found the heartbeat she THINKS he is head down, but she wasn't able to find his his position remains a question until our 36 weeks appointment coming up this Friday.

I am pretty sick of being pregnant at this point {am I allowed to say that?}, or at least sick of feeling crappy but I am getting SO EXCITED to meet my son! I still can't get over the fact that I am about to have a baby boy and as we finish up the last of baby prep I find myself getting more and more excited to see him and hold him! His room is officially done and that makes me so happy! I love it so much and often find myself just standing in the doorway daydreaming. It's all just crazy and surreal and emotional and I will likely be a big ol mess for the next 5 weeks!

35 weeks with Kenley.

Congrats to my real life friend Katie P. who won the Madelyn Ashley T-Shirt giveaway! Leo is going to look ADORABLE in his Big Brother shirt! I'll be emailing you lady!


  1. WOW, 35 weeks you are ALMOST there, lady. I totally think you are allowed to say you are sick of being pregnant. If anyone makes you feel badly about how you feel that's their problem not yours. I can only imagine the toll a pregnancy [and a second one] can take on your body. I'm sure it's tough carrying the extra weight an experiencing the growing pains, but it will lead to one fabulous lil miracle soon. Glad Ziggy is dong well, sending flip it around vibes to him.

  2. I'm amazed at how similar you look pregnant with Kenley and now - that is amazing!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  3. So close, Mama! I feel like time flew to get up to this point and now it's just inching by!!! You look AMAZING! Can't wait for you to hold your little man! xx

  4. You look fan-freakin-tastic!! I think you are absolutely allowed to be done being pregnant and ready to just see that little cutie and snuggle him up!! I hope somehow you can get some rest in these last few weeks- thinking of you lots!!♥

  5. You look great!! Fingers crossed he is head down... Mine is not and I know it haha. The head in my ribs is getting old! Lol.

  6. You are looking so adorable, mama. Cannot believe you are so close! Just a few more weeks to go. Eeek!

  7. You look great, girl! Won't be long until your little bundle of joy is here :)

    Edye //

  8. I am SO EXCITED to meet Ziggy. You look great and I know the feeling of ready to be done and sick of being achy - you're totally allowed to feel that way!

  9. Hello Kristin! Congratulations for your baby! It is really crazy, writing a blog at this stage but thankful for sharing it. I enjoyed reading your post and the experiences you have shared are pretty usual. I could not find anything under the list of your foods during pregnancy. Well, I would like to suggest something about the food. Take a look at the Importance of Fiber while pregnant.


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