Friday, March 25, 2016

Little Man Sprinkle

Here I am recapping my sprinkle from nearly two weeks ago, why am I always so behind? Anyways, I'm not kidding when I say that as I sit here to write this post, I am tearing up. This day was a dream. My very best friend hosted a beautiful Sprinkle celebrating my little man and the love I felt from my family and oldest girlfriends was indescribable. It was just so fun! I woke up feeling really good, I got a great blow out from the Wow Bar that was blasting Backstreet Boys, Libby had all my favorite foods, and my favorite people were there. Girlfriends are good for the soul and the 14 ladies who made time to come celebrate Ziggy are some of the best there are. It was so lovely and so fun and I wish I could do it every weekend.
pretty sure I ate every last one of these green olives.
my favorite detail from the sprinkle...weenies! haha!

My gorgeous bestie and her beautiful mama who worked so hard putting together the perfect morning for me.

And, both my mama and my baby sister came home for the Sprinkle which meant more to me than they'll ever know! It would have been so sad not to have them there!

My buddy Robyn who was a huge help with the Sprinkle and put together a hilarious game for all of us to play.

My sisters! Ziggy is so lucky {Kenley too} to have such awesome aunties!

And most special and awesome thing ever....when you're pregnant with both your besties!

I'm kind of sad that my Sprinkles are now over. It's so exciting and so fun to have something like this to look forward to! Plus, I got a little blue thinking that I'll likely never have any kind of shower again. WAH! But now I'm just even closer to meeting my little boy and am way more prepared thanks to these generous ladies!


  1. Awww, your sprinkle is so sweet. Love your dress and the food looks quite delicious. The weenies are hilarious!

  2. Such a fun day celebrating you and Ziggy! :) Love all the little details and so stinkin' fun to be preggo with your 2 besties! You look fabulous... you are WORKIN' that dress!♥

  3. A beautiful day celebrating you and your Ziggy boy. xo m

  4. I think I told you on instagram, but you are rockin that dress girlfriend. It's amazing! Also? Your mom/sister are just as stunning as you are! Have a fun weekend!

  5. So cute! Great job Libby! Her hair always kills me. :) Three preggo besties - how fun!!!!!

  6. teeny weenies.... tehehehe
    SO fun your besties are also pregnant- amazing!


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