Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Big Sister Interview

With the arrival of family member number four just around the corner, a lot of conversations are revolving around a new baby in our house. I thought it would be fun to sit down with the big-sister-to-be and get her take on stepping into her new role. 
c/o Sara Jayne Photoprahy
Are you excited about becoming a big sister? "Yea. Then I will not be a kid anymore."

What are you most excited about? "To meet my baby bruvah."

What do you think your brother will look like? "Like a little ziggy boy!"

What color eyes do you think he will have? "Brown. Or blue eyes. Or maybe white eyes."

What are you going to say to him when you meet him? "Happy Birfday Ziggy!"

What kinds of things do big sisters do? "Change Ziggy's stinky diapies. And change his pee diapies. And I have to eat my dinner all gone like a grown up."

What sorts of things are you going to teach Ziggy? "To play with big girl toys and not put them in your mouth."

What kinds of things do babies do? "Ummmm, cry and whine. And they are really sleepy."
c/o Sara Jayne Photoprahy
When do you think ziggy is going to come? "When all of our dots are gone." {in reference to the countdown we made}

Do you think it will be fun to be a big sister? "Mmmmhmmm."

What other things can you tell me about Ziggy? "He has a bouncy chair. And um, I hope he will paint with me."

Is Ziggy going to like our family? "Yes because he doesn't have family, he's just little old Ziggy."

What is going to be the most important part of being a big sister? "Taking really, really, really good care of Ziggy. And I will have to feed him bottles."
c/o Sara Jayne Photoprahy
I can't get over how sweet this little girl is and how excited she is about this baby! I know that this is going to be a monster adjustment for all of us, but I am so confident in how she will handle it and can't wait to see her interact with her baby brother. She overheard me talking to Jason the other night about how I am feeling emotional about her not being the baby and my only anymore and shortly after she came up to me, gave me a big hug and said "Don't worry mommy, I'll always be your baby." I mean just melt my frickin' heart on the spot. She also told me over the weekend, "mom I was the cutest baby ever, but now it's Ziggy's turn." 

I just can't....


  1. Yes, because I won't be a kid anymore and and without our family he's just lil ol Ziggy were my two favorites.

    And of course the I'll always be your baby, just stop it lil girl, you are too grown up and adorable!

  2. Just MELTING from the sweetness of Kenley!!!

  3. This is so precious!! What a sweet little girl you have!!! :)

  4. Simply the cutest! She is so sweet. :) She's going to be the best big sister!

  5. These answers are seriously the best!! I'm glad just little ol' Ziggy will have such a great big sister looking out for him when he gets here!!! :)

  6. OMG this is SO SWEET!!! She's going to be the best big sister!!!

  7. Okay, this was TOO FREAKING CUTE.

  8. I love this!!!! She is going to be great!

  9. love that little curly q!
    this is such a fun & cute idea, too precious and will forever be adorable to look back on. interview here once he's here too!


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