Monday, April 4, 2016

{bump two} 36 weeks

Mom :: +32lbs // Baby :: over 18.5inches & 6lb {a head of lettuce!}
Baby is shedding his vernix caseosa {teeny little hairs} and packing on the pounds!
28 days til Due Date!

This past week has been pretty great! I was actually able to get a couple of good night's sleep and, wow, does that make a huge difference! I've had several days of feeling awesome and energized and it's been a very welcome change. I've been able to get some cleaning and organizing done around the house which makes a nesting mama's heart happy. 

The highlight of the week, though, was definitely our 36 weeks appointment {on Friday}! Ziggy boy cooperated for the first time in his 36 weeks and is now HEAD DOWN! The ultrasound tech mentioned it immediately not knowing he had been breech and I burst into tears of relief. It totally caught her off guard and was like "had a known that was such a big deal I would have made a more dramatic announcement." It was pretty great. 
Ziggy is currently measuring at 7lb 2oz, which is LARGE. That would put him somewhere around 9lbs at my due date. Of course, these ultrasound's aren't exact and we were told the later you are in pregnancy the less accurate the measurements get and that typically there is a 1-2 pound cushion you have to consider. So while we know this guy is going to big, I am hoping he's not too big to push out. 

Our appointment wasn't without drama of course. I swear every time we go in there's something outside the ordinary. Thankfully it hasn't ever been anything super serious but I would just love to go in hear all is perfect and then leave. After our ultrasound the tech informed my doctor that Ziggy's heart rate was pretty low, and so they ordered a Non-Stress Test. Thankfully, Ziggy passed that just fine but it was 30 minutes of wondering what was wrong and what would happen if he didn't pass. 
At our appointment I was also able to talk over some of my Birth Hopes with my doctor and feel so much better about everything after having done so. It's really great to see how much progress my doctor and our hospital have made over the past 3.5 years to be more geared toward a mama's wishes. 

Other than that, the past week has been about chipping away some stuff around the house, trying to feel good and waiting for the big day! I can't believe how close we are! 

The past 30 weeks! 


And congrats to Danielle who won the custom tumbler giveaway! I'll be sending you an email lady! 


  1. You are looking fantastic girl!!! Best of luck welcoming your little guy soon! Xo.

  2. 28 days, shut the front door! SO sooon and so exciting.

    So I just realized I'll be in Europe when he's born, WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Need to send you my new addy, too!

    Glad the test showed good results, I can only imagine YOUR stress while waiting.

  3. Beeb! I get baby snuggles in less than a MONTH!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEK. I can't wait to come to the hospital and smell those newborn smells. :) You look so amazing and I'm so proud of how much you're getting done every day!

  4. I am glad your mini me was right beside you. Peace of mind that Ziggy boy is getting ready too. xo m

  5. Glad you got good news!! Can't believe the big day is getting so close!

  6. You're gorgeous!! And still cheering over Zig being head down, yay!! Love the ultrasound tech's response haha!

  7. A+ for Ziggy passing his non stress test! So soooooon until Kenley's a big sister!

  8. YAY for being head down! At 36 weeks Baby Beni's heartrate was low, too. Luckily, I was already getting an ultrasound that day so they were able to do that instead of a non-stress test and of course everything was fine, but it's not fun sitting there while the nurses/OBs keep trying to check it! I'm glad everything was okay!

  9. Gotta love a big boy!!! I have to get a NST and ultrasound on Wednesday...right there with you girl! We're so close!!! xx

  10. You look gorg!! I am SO flippin excited for you!


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