Friday, April 8, 2016

Let's Make Kim & Kanye Disappear!

We are in the midst of a presidential election and while I typically keep my political opinions relatively to myself, this is one issue I just can no longer keep quiet on. You guys, if we work together, we can make Kim & Kanye disappear. 
I don't know them personally, but based on how they portray themselves via social media, reality TV and interviews....they're kind of the worst. Can we agree they may actually be the two most self involved people on the planet and offer very little to society? Like, hi, maybe donate some of those millions you have piling up instead of bragging about how rich you are and how much stuff you have. Just a thought.

Anyways, this is random, but I got to thinking. How do we make them go away? I'm so sick of their crap. Then it hit me, if no one cared, they'd have to go away. 
So I am proposing that everyone take a minute to unfollow them on all social media outlets. Erase that show from your DVR. Don't click, no matter how tempting, on those E! News and TMZ links about their escapades. If we don't watch or read and the interest goes down, celeb news outlets will go back to reporting on Miley and Lindsay Lohan and way more acceptable crazies. 
It will be a long tough road, you know those two won't go down without a fight but I really think the human race is primarily good and if we all work together and fight for what we truly believe in, lead by example and stick to our guns we really can make a difference and get these two on the D List.


  1. YES, please! I hate that they are famous for nothing. Okay, well Kanye is talented in the music realm but KIM!??!?! WHY DO PEOPLE WATCH HER SHOW!?! WHY DO PEOPLE CARE ABOUT HER? I honestly get so sick when I see people obsessing over the Ks and their shows. Just don't watch the show and they will go away, it really is that simple. They are trashy which makes viewers lovers of trash and that's so sad.

  2. Hahahaha I LOVE YOU. I seriously wish I could just mute them from my life. GO AWAY crazies, I want nothing to do with you!

  3. PREACH GIRL! That sandwich meme is the best! And they truly are such horrible humans :P

  4. Agree! Good job and I am doing my part. xo m

  5. Hahahahahahahaah! Love this post so very much. I will never understand how these two people became famous. I still don't know why they are or who likes them. #mystery

  6. HAHAH- omg but seriously!!! I have NEVER watched their show, I don't follow them on social media and usually only hear about them when it's some "major" thing... But I always roll my eyes and wonder how the heck they are so famous. UGH.

  7. That entire family is seriously only famous for being stupid, and famous. It makes NO sense. I don't follow them at all, and can't stand them (especially Kim)!!

  8. It is like you have been reading my mind with this post! I can not stand them! I already don't follow their social media accounts or watch the show, so this should be pretty easy. Now, onto convincing everyone else to do the same! Thanks for the laugh this morning!

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