Friday, April 29, 2016

Nolan | Week One

Friday, April 29th. The one day I have had on my mind since mid August when I found out I was pregnant with our second baby. Now, here we are on my due date and our little man is already one week old. 
Nolan Richard
born April 22, 2016
@ 5:28pm
8 pounds even and 20 inches long

I cannot believe it has already been a full week since Nolan joined our family, I can't think about how quickly time is already moving or I joke {thanks hormones}.
Life as a family of four is going great. I am feeling really good, Nolan is an awesome baby and we are all adjusting to this new normal. I can't wait to share more about his birth, his amazing big sister and all the wonderful things that I love so much about my sweet son. 
This first week has been a whirlwind of visitors, a newborn photo shoot, a first doctor's appointment, dirty diapers, late night feedings and getting in the swing of having a newborn again. It's overwhelming and crazy but overall so great. I really can't get over how much I love this little boy. I am one smitten mama.
So far what we know about Nolan is that he hates having his diaper changed {it's the only time he cries}, he eats every 2.5 - 3 hours, he loves to chew on his hands, he only sneezes in multiples {usually 2 or 3 but he's had as many as 5 in a row}, he is notorious for pooping one minute after being changed, makes the craziest dinosaur noises when he's hungry and has the cutest little gas smile I've ever seen.
This kiddo has only been nursing for 10-15 minutes at a time and only on one side then he passes out so hard it's nearly impossible to wake him and if I do he has no interest in eating more. He has had plenty of wet and dirty diapers but when we took him to his first appointment on Tuesday {at 4 days old} I thought for sure he was going to be down even more from the 7lb 9oz he was when we left the hospital BUT it turns out my little man is just an efficient little eater as he was up to 7lb 14oz just 2oz away from his birth weight! HOORAY! And yay for efficiency!
As to be expected when you have a brand new baby, every day has highs and lows. I'm tired, emotional and sore but I am madly in love with this baby boy, my daughter and my husband who has been beyond incredible. I am just so grateful for this life and this little family and my heart feels complete. I'm off to snuggle my babies all weekend and attempt to not cry every five minutes. 


  1. Congrats! So sweet! That's my son's name too <3

  2. How did I miss this?!! CONGRATS friend! I love him, he really is so incredibly precious! So happy for you!

  3. OH my gosh, girl! He is so handsome. I need me a boy! Hahaha

  4. Congratulations! Love the name. He's precious.

  5. Oh my goodness, I just love his sweet face!!!♥ Still SO SOOO happy for your family and so happy things are going well this first week of life for everyone!!

  6. Congrats ! Beautiful little man :)

  7. Congratulations!!! Such a precious little man!! Enjoy every moment with your sweet family of 4!!!

  8. Aww congratulations!!! I love him already!! <3

  9. He is so sweet and precious! Well done, cousin! ��

  10. A perfect little man and instant love for this proud YiaYia.
    Is it just me or does Noley look like he has a tan?
    I pretty sure he has olive skin!
    xo m

  11. So glad he is here! Congrats on the little boy love! It is some good love!!

    You'll have to tell us where you got the personalized blanket! I am due in July and I want one!!!

  12. Congratulations on your new little one! He is just adorable!

  13. Congrats!!! He is SO cute :)

    Edye //

  14. So happy for you and your family! Nolan is precious and I love his name!! Enjoy every minute of those sweet new baby snuggles! Congratulations! (P.S. Absolutely love the pics of him and big sister, sooooo sweet!!)

  15. OH MY WORD! His smile!!!! I love this entire post. Girl, so happy for you!! :)

  16. Ohmygoodness congrats! And welcome to the world, sweet Nolan! I hope you're getting some well-deserved rest!

  17. FINALLY catching up on blogs and I AM SO HAPPY! He is gorgeous! So beautiful. About to go read his birth story and will probably be CRYING...ahhh. Time SLOW DOWN!


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