Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hospital Photos

Being in the hospital those first hours with your new baby is a surreal and special time. You are getting to know this tiny little creature that just came out of you, you are more tired than you've ever been before, you are grateful for the help of the nurses but wish they weren't coming in every 30 minutes and you get to show off your pride and joy to visitors. Being in the hospital after having a baby is like you are in your own world, you kind of forget there is life outside of those four walls. I was so happy to have Sara Jayne come and visit the morning after Nolan was born to document our time there. Nolan is only 17 hours old in these photos and I know I will cherish these forever and ever. 


  1. Those little baby toes get me every time. So, so sweet! Love these gorg photos - you will cherish these so much, mama! And by the way, you look great for just having had a baby in these photos!!!:)

  2. The toes!! What a treasure to have these beautiful pictures.
    A lovely little family. xo m

  3. When I saw that first picture, my eyes filled with tears! He is BEAUTIFUL! And your family looks so happy!

  4. These are so precious!! I'm so glad we are having a photographer come to the hospital as well!!! :)

  5. that last photo! EVERYTHING!
    i need a baby!!!

  6. These pictures are so precious!!! Such a good idea to have a photographer there to document those first special moments.

  7. Perfection. Hospital photos are probably my favorite. Such a special time that just goes by too fast.

  8. Gosh you look great! What precious photos and memories! <3


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