Thursday, June 2, 2016

Nolan | One Month Old

On May 22nd, our sweet boy celebrated his first month on this earth and in our family. I can very honestly say it was the fastest month of my life. Nolan is such a sweet baby and I can't believe we hit the awesome baby jackpot twice! {knock on wood he keeps it up} He is so chill, only really cries when he's getting his diaper changed, and is an awesome sleeper. We can already tell he is a lot like his mama, he loves to cuddle and hates being cold {two things very different from his dad and sister}. My attachment to this baby boy has really caught me off guard, I knew for sure I would love him with my whole soul as I do his sister, but something about my son just has me totally obsessed. 

Here's a little recap and update on his first month of life!
Weight: 12.2 pounds

Sleep: Nolan will take a long (3-4hr) nap in n the afternoon, doses in & out from 6-10pm then sleeps around 6 hours, eats then sleeps another 2-3 hours. 
Daily Routine: No set routine but definitely noticing some patterns (see above & below)

Feeding: Nursing has been going awesome! Nolan eats every 3ish hours during the day, cluster feeds like a boss from 6-10 every night, then 1-2 times through the night. He typically only nurses for about 10 minutes on one side then is good. I've also been able to pump 1-2 times a day allowing me to build a pretty good freezer stash!
Diaper Size: Size 1 Pampers Swaddlers

Clothes Size: Still in newborn, but those are getting snug
Hair Color: Looks like it's brown but is much blonder in the light 

Eye Color: Super dark blue
4/22 - born! ...8lbs, 0oz and 20 inches long
4/23 - First bath {at the hospital}
4/24 - Home! ...7lb 9oz 
4/26 - First doctor's appointment...7lb 14oz
4/27- Newborn photos with Sara Jayne
5/1- First bath at home, not a fan!
5/5 - 2 week appt...8lb 9oz, 22in, cord fell off 
5/6 - First Bottle

Nicknames: Noley, Noley Bear, Noley Cannoli 
My Sweet Nolan, 

Just like that, you are a month old. This time around I know how quickly this all goes so I am trying my very best to cherish every moment and soak up as many newborn snuggles as I possibly can. You are such a good baby and such a sweet little thing. There is no denying that we have special bond already and we may just be two peas in a pod. It seems a weird thing to say, but I can't really believe how much I love you - you may even say I am completely obsessed with you. You have completed our family in a way that I was hoping but never really could have anticipated. I am so excited to watch you grow but don't grow too quickly now, I need more itty bitty baby snuggles first. 

Love, Mama


  1. How is he already a month old?? And Noley Cannoli is the cutest nickname ever!

  2. Happy 1 month to your little one! So cute :)

    Edye | Http://

  3. What an angie. The pictures are adorable! Not the least bit worried about the bond between you two. xo m

  4. ahhh congrats!! our boys are one day apart! :) :)


  5. فني دهان بالمدينة المنورة
    الدهان جزء من ديكور منزلك فتختار الوان للدهانات تتماشى مع الاثاث والمفروشات، وتحتاج دهان بالمدينة المنورة لدية خبرات واعمال تشهد له بالكفاءة والتميز باعمال الدهانات ومعالجة الجدران وسهولة الاختيار بين الالوان واساليب حديثة تجعلك تختار اللون الذي يتناسب مع زوقياتك وشخصيتك بفضل تقنية خلط الالوان والحصول على الوان دهانات مميزة وهناك ايضًا الدهانات التقليدية، لدينا كل ما يتناسب مع عملائنا وافكارهم ونكون لهم دائمًا عونًا في الاختيار المناسب وتكاليف مناسبة.


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